This is Not a Religious Post…

You can not break Principles. You can only break yourself against them. - Paraphrasing Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

I paraphrased this quote from Stephen Covey. In the original text, he is referring to Cecil B DeMille’s quote regarding the 10 Commandments (laws) and he applied it to natural laws that cannot be broken. They are principles that serve as lighthouses in our lives.

This is not a religious post. I certainly don’t want people to use that as an excuse to tune out the message. It is a profound statement.

If you want to take a deeper, faith-based, dive into this idea, CS Lewis, in the first part of his apologetics book, Mere Christianity, discusses natural law as a way to explain the existence of God. His argument is that natural law exists across cultures and beliefs, and is timeless - it’s something that is innate and instinctive in all human beings. Which begs the question, where does that come from? How do we all have an innate universal sense of what is right and what is wrong; what is good and what is evil? If there is no God, where is this standard coming from?

Of course, there are always anomalies and aberrations, but generally speaking, we all have been governed over time by these natural laws and principles.

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