LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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Alexa’s Friendships Throughout the Years

Many of you know how proud we are of this young lady, but few know why. Although there are many reasons, the one that God has prevailed upon me in this moment is her unconditional love for others. In looking at Alexa’s friendships throughout the years, I’ve realized a few things about her. 1️⃣ She is more into quality than quantity. 2️⃣ She holds on to the most meaningful relationships for a long time. 3️⃣ This is what I love the most, she chooses her relationship with zero regard for the superficial trappings that most teenagers (and adults) would normally have. She is able to see beyond socio-economic, age, racial and religious boundaries. Although very convicted in her own beliefs, she makes no qualms about being close to people of differing political, sexual or cultural nuances. Her closest friends are Muslim, Christian and even agnostic.

While never wavering in her own convictions, she is able to see people for what truly matters...their hearts. ❤️She respects where people come from, where they are at, and where they have the potential to go. I think her imparting that respect helps to foster the respect her close friends have for her. She sees their hearts first and therefore, they see hers.

Don’t ever change. I love you just the way you are. 🎼🎤