LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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Family Values, Faith and…

I remember when I was younger I asked my father what he and mom had in common. They were complete opposites in terms of personality and interests, not to mention their cultural and language barriers back in 1969 were certainly not easy to overcome.

My dad looked at me and explained that although they were indeed very different in many ways, there were a few important areas that they were very similar: family values, faith and the sanctity of marriage.

This was a salient memory for me because I realized what my dad’s priorities were. In that moment it dawned on me that what he cared about in his life’s partner was not if they were both introverted or extroverted, if they were rich or poor, or if their first languages were the same, what was important to him were that her priorities in life were the same as his. What he felt were the most important things in life, she also felt. -

My dad and mom have been married for 50 years. He’s a man of integrity who prioritizes his family, faith and marriage. I’m proud to be his daughter ...and favorite child. 😉