LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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It Was Hers, Now Mine

Incredibly sweet gift from my mom for my birthday. It was hers, now mine and will be given to one of my girls eventually.

I love old things with sentimental value. I’m kinda an old soul in that way. My home is sprinkled with trinkets that I’ve collected over the last 20-30 years of travels with my family. It helps to remind me of where I have been and have yet to go!

I have a Roman Gladiator helmet I bought outside the Coliseum in Rome, a Coat of Arms from Toledo, Spain, and a Marie Antoinette perfume bottle from the Palace of Versailles (to name a few). Everywhere you walk in my home, there is something that tells a story of a journey we took or an adventure we have had. Materialistically, they are my most valued possessions because of their intrinsic value and what they represent: time spent with the people I love most.

After my sweet grandmother passed, my Aunt asked me if there was anything in the house I wanted, I asked her for the old pictures. I wanted the black & white photos of my grandparents and great grandparents. I have a wall in my home dedicated to relatives on both my parents’ sides that date back generations. Looking at the old pictures gives me a sense of nostalgia and peace, knowing where I came from, where I have been and where I have yet to go. ❤️