LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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Life Isn’t a Walk in the Park

I love this picture because I feel like it most accurately captures “me” on a daily basis. Maybe not so much the heavy make up, but the leggings and baseball cap for sure.

Social Media has really done a great job at breeding in-authenticity, unfortunately. Don’t get me wrong, I get it... people want to present themselves in the best light possible for whatever reason (eg, marketing their business or keeping up with family and friends all over the world), but it’s gotten to the point where people can be un-relatable.

By contrast, I think what makes people authentic and relatable is simply transparency and honesty. Life isn’t a walk in the park. Getting along in relationships, raising a family, and making a living ...simply engaging in life, comes with challenges. No one succeeds in any of these areas without failing many times over.

As a mom, I know I disappoint at least one of my kids everyday ...each of them feels like “the other one” is my favorite ...and I have made decisions based on my own baggage carried over from my childhood.

That said, I do the best I can, pray everyday and rest in knowing that life works out exactly as it’s supposed to. 🙏

Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.