LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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OracLe Testimonial

Most of you that know me know that Ashley Rocha has been with our family for about eight years. She started as my nanny and now has evolved into much more than that. I’ve watched her hit many milestones in her life and she’s helped me through many milestones in my life, both difficult and wonderful. She is the reason I have Ava, she is the reason I’m able to manage raising four children well, she has been a confidant, a sounding board and a surrogate daughter. Today, she is still my nanny, but that too has evolved...she helps me to be more productive during the day because of her abilities and intelligence, her technical skills and her ability to understand and digest complicated information.

When I asked her to write a testimonial for OracLe College Consulting, I didn’t give her any guidance and I didn’t tell her what to write, so when I received it, I was very surprised and touched. I’m posting it here, but there are many posted on OracLe’s website and Facebook and Instagram pages.


Guiding and mentoring these teens and young adults has given me the greatest sense of accomplishment. Even indirectly, you never know the impact that your words can have on a person during the course of their life. I’m a huge proponent of education because I believe it is the true equalizer of people. No matter where you come from or where you end up, no one can take that away from you.


“I first met Dr. Cyr & Mrs. Cyr after I graduated high school, since then they have helped and guided me through my college experience and because of their help, support, guidance and love, I am a First Generation graduate. To many people that might not seem like a big deal, but if anyone has been raised in a family where education hasn’t been their foundation or a priority for having a better future, then you will know how hard and foreign things are when you are applying to schools and for scholarships and just anything in general regarding college… you are completely lost and don’t know where to begin because you have no help or guidance.

Mrs. Cyr has taught me a very important lesson in life: “in order to break the cycle you must do it through education.” Mrs. Cyr also taught me things that I would have never thought to learn such as how to start a business, marketing, accounting, how to talk to professionals and even interviewing. Mrs. Cyr has given me many reasons to be thankful to her every day and with all the opportunities she has given me, I decided to go back to school to pursue a different degree (BBA in Cyber Security) that I would have never thought of getting.

I am proud, blessed and thankful to where I am in life and I would have never thought I would be where I am right now. Thank you, Dr. Cyr and Mrs. Cyr for helping me through this journey… I don’t think I could ever express my gratitude for everything y’all have done for me.” -Ashley Rocha