LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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This Girl is Going Places

I wanted to take a moment to congratulate Alexa Cyr on landing a summer associate position at a V5 firm—a massive accomplishment for an L1 law student. V5 firms are considered the top five firms globally and have very high standards for applicants. Alexa worked harder than she has ever worked in her life during her first semester of law school. It was challenging and transformative, with many long nights and stressful days. At one point, she told me that she did not think she would get a summer associate position and felt very downtrodden. She was competing against the brightest students in the country for these positions and had passively mentioned that, although she knew she would do well, she never seemed to get her first choice.

I told her that she often didn’t get her first choice because she always went for the hardest positions possible, whether it was a school, graduate program, or competition; her goal is always to be number one, never number two or three. Sometimes, when you put that kind of pressure on yourself, you’ll face some rejections and hear some "no's." But God knows what He’s doing, and maybe He’s holding you for a greater "yes" later. And that’s exactly what happened. She received an offer from the most competitive firm she applied to, based on her interests (mergers & acquisitions).

Perseverance, intelligence, and all that stuff matter, but I truly believe that what really sealed the deal was the strength of her character. I believe that her kindness, professionalism, and integrity shone through. I know the firm does a lot of pro bono work, and I’m sure they appreciated the amount of volunteer hours she dedicated in both San Antonio and Houston, relentlessly serving the homeless population through her Blessing Bag nonprofit organization. All these little things matter; they weave a narrative and pave a road that ultimately tells the story of who you are, who you’ve been, and where you’re going.

This girl is going places. ❤️

Many thanks to God, creator of the universe, for always looking out for her.🙏