LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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We Need to Change our Approach

Alexa unwittingly found herself caught up in one of her first fairly heated religious/political debates the other day and I was so proud of the way she ended the argument. She exited with a quote I said to her years ago that even I had forgotten...

“You’ll Never Argue Anyone Into Believing What You Believe.” Period.

I have yet to meet a person who found their faith by loosing an argument...or switched political parties because someone convinced them they are stupid.

I have, however, met people that became Christians because they were going through difficulties in their lives and another Christian showed them love and compassion. Through that love and compassion they, too, wanted to learn more about from where this reservoir of empathy poured.

To illustrate my point, if you are courting your girlfriend and are trying to get her to fall in love with you, do you argue and yell at her? Make her feel incompetent for not loving you? Or are you kind and caring, showing her why she should?

If a person can’t see what you’re trying to convince them of being executed positively in your life... why would they want to be a part of it?  In other words, if you’re not displaying your faith, or even your politics, properly and in a loving, diplomatic way, why would anyone want to learn anything about them?

We need to change our approach...

You don’t need to convince anyone to believe what you believe.  Live Your Life Well.  They will see that example and want to follow it or, at the very least, be curious about it.  If they don’t or aren’t, you weren’t convincing them of anything anyway.
