LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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Who Are You Really Fooling?

OK, so I’m going to write about something that may not be very popular. First of all, Facebook is my favorite social media platform for a number reasons, but I also have Instagram (Instagram.com/CYRious.mgmt), which is probably my second favorite. This isn’t really saying that much considering I really only use two.

My main issue with Instagram is people‘s ability to “buy” followers. I really do not understand this at all. 🙄First of all, it’s VERY obvious when people do this. Second, they don’t just buy followers, but they go so far as to buy “likes”.  🤦‍♀️ Third, doesn’t this defeat the purpose of being an “influencer,” if that’s in fact your goal?

If you’re buying the likes and followers, who are you really influencing if you’re paying them? I just don’t understand what the point is. Even if you’re fooling your organic audience info thinking you are a badass, you really are not fooling yourself because you actually know that you’re doing it, right?  Plus, when people find out, you lose credibility. 

The only person you’re really making feel good is yourself, but how good can you really feel about something that is not real?  Trust me, when I first got Instagram I looked at all of the services and even tried one for a couple of months and found it to be very counterproductive to what my ultimate goal was.... which was to build an organic audience that actually cared about what I had to say.

Now I understand businesses “promoting” their posts, either on Facebook or Instagram; this makes sense because you’re trying to reach a larger audience and get your message out (whether it’s your business, blog, non-profit etc), but when you pay someone to follow you and to like your posts, it’s not really about promoting your brand because the person that you purchased that “interest” from may not really care, whereas the person you promote it to may in fact care, but just needed to be made aware of it.  I mean does a homeless person in a Third World country really give a sh%t about your brand when they are worried about survival? 

Maybe I’m not looking at the right way, but sheesh. Be real people.  ✌🏽

If you don’t have the following, create better content.☺️

#sheesh #realtalk #bereal #beyou #authenticity #cyriouslyspeaking