LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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Why We Do What We Do

#Testimonial Patient Bernard Barcena:

“...In all earnest, you and Steven are such good role models. The two of you have so much love it overflows to your children. I have so much love for Steven as a brother in Christ and so much love for Doctor Cyr.

After my surgery I had some complications. I turned septic and spent 9 hours in the emergency room... I had a wound that needed special attention Dr. Cyr came and did a surgery to clean out my wound and stop the infection. This was done on Christmas morning. He took care of me before joining you and your children in New York.

I asked him if he saw the hand of God in his work. He told me he prays over every patient before surgery. I had asked others the same question. He then told me that every patient he operates on is treated as if they are his brother or sister. He told me he prayed to God to find him a wife and God blessed him with you.

You are truly an inspiration. When I first met him I needed a revision surgery I was a mess. I asked him can you fix my cervical spine. He told me I put people who were blown up back together. My God has always sent angels to watch over me.

To my brother Steven and his inspiration LeAnn. Thank you!”🙏


