LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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Your Wingman Forever

Happy 49th Birthday to my handsome husband of 20 years! I truly believe that God brought us together purposefully and for reasons that we may not even fully understand in our lifetime. Nevertheless, I am grateful that he has given me the most loving, sincere, intelligent and dignified man to spend my life with.

You inspire me every day by your positivity and how, no matter what the enemy does to try to bring you down, you spend very little time giving it any real attention. You just keep on pressing on...doing the right thing for your patients, loving your family, and being a friend to your friends.

I truly believe that you are anointed by God and, as crazy as this seems, I feel like I was put here to help you serve a greater purpose.

I’m happy to be your wingman forever. ❤️