This Girl is Going Places
I wanted to take a moment to congratulate Alexa Cyr on landing a summer associate position at a V5 firm—a massive accomplishment for an L1 law student. V5 firms are considered the top five firms globally and have very high standards for applicants. Alexa worked harder than she has ever worked in her life during her first semester of law school. It was challenging and transformative, with many long nights and stressful days. At one point, she told me that she did not think she would get a summer associate position and felt very downtrodden. She was competing against the brightest students in the country for these positions and had passively mentioned that, although she knew she would do well, she never seemed to get her first choice.
I told her that she often didn’t get her first choice because she always went for the hardest positions possible, whether it was a school, graduate program, or competition; her goal is always to be number one, never number two or three. Sometimes, when you put that kind of pressure on yourself, you’ll face some rejections and hear some "no's." But God knows what He’s doing, and maybe He’s holding you for a greater "yes" later. And that’s exactly what happened. She received an offer from the most competitive firm she applied to, based on her interests (mergers & acquisitions).
Perseverance, intelligence, and all that stuff matter, but I truly believe that what really sealed the deal was the strength of her character. I believe that her kindness, professionalism, and integrity shone through. I know the firm does a lot of pro bono work, and I’m sure they appreciated the amount of volunteer hours she dedicated in both San Antonio and Houston, relentlessly serving the homeless population through her Blessing Bag nonprofit organization. All these little things matter; they weave a narrative and pave a road that ultimately tells the story of who you are, who you’ve been, and where you’re going.
This girl is going places. ❤️
Many thanks to God, creator of the universe, for always looking out for her.🙏
I Find It Ironic That I Was…
Being in Europe and hearing about everything that's happening in America regarding our elections, I find it ironic that I was in Athens, the birthplace of democracy and Western civilization.
In ancient Athens, Athenians were required to vote. The system of government in Athens was a direct democracy, where all eligible citizens were expected to participate in the decision-making process. Voting was considered a civic duty, and citizens who failed to vote could face penalties or fines. It was not only required but also highly encouraged and valued as an essential part of being an active citizen in Athenian society.
America, on the other hand, is a constitutional republic based on democratic principles. It upholds democratic values such as free and fair elections, protection of individual rights, and the participation of citizens in the decision-making process through voting and representation. These democratic principles are enshrined in the Constitution and form the foundation of the American political system.
We must be able to exercise our rights to vote for whom we choose in free and fair elections, unadulterated by extremism on either side.
We've Come a Long Way, and It's Taken…
Steve took the kids by his old home growing up on our way home from San Antonio to show them where he started. Although his mom's side came from an aristocratic family, she sacrificed her life in the PI to marry the love of her life who was enlisted at the time. Steve's father eventually worked his way up through education and became a Clinical Psychologist, but that wasn't until Steve was out of the house and well on his way to medical school himself.
My home growing up in the Philippines was certainly nothing to write home about either.
The point is that we've come a long way, and it's taken a lot of work and effort to cycle out of the class we were born into.
Children are taught what their parents know. The transfer of knowledge is limited to what parents are able to teach you based on their understanding of the world and how to navigate it. In the case of middle-class children, relative to work and success, the formula is more or less: do well in school, work hard, prove yourself, get regular raises and promotions, save money in a 401k, and retire. “The answers are in the textbook” - some are, most are not.
If you're lucky, you can invest and own some assets or capital, but you still won't control the capital, and you'll be at the mercy of the general partner or the majority shareholder that does. Make no mistake, to the extent that they can, they will keep you exactly where they need you. A limited partner with limited control. It is rare to find people in business that think of much other than themselves and the people important to them.
It's not that you're not smart, but if you don't know the rules, you can't play by them. Wealthy families pass on the rules of money. Along with that comes the “hidden curriculum” of etiquette, education, networking to name a few.
It is not the money that wealthy people give their children that has so much value. It's the understanding of money. How to use it to create more.
For example, the knowledge of investments and how to use capital to create more capital. Most importantly, how to control the capital. Then how to protect that capital.
The learning curve can be steep if you have to figure it out on your own. We did. But it was very difficult and came with a lot of sacrifices.
Other than their faith and morality, this is one of the most important lessons I can teach my kids.
Like Sisyphus, Forever Condemned to…
This might be the first time in my life that I haven't felt like I am fighting against some perpetual invisible force. Like Sisyphus, forever condemned to push a boulder up a hill.
Instead, I am now choosing the boulders…and that ability to choose has made an immense difference. I am able to decide what I want to fight for, the battles that matter.
Everyone has problems. But the problems that you choose are different than the ones that choose you.
The ones you choose give you a sense of utility and purpose, and they are worth the struggle because they are for a greater good in your life or the lives of others.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt more fulfilled or content in my life as I do now. 🙏 #mondaymotivation
Alexa Elected to Phi Beta Kappa
Congratulations, Alexa for being elected to Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest and most respected honor society in America!
UCLA’s review is based on:
✅academic program rigor
✅challenging upper-division courses outside of major
✅demonstrated at least an intermediate competence level in a second language beyond your native language.
Phi Beta Kappa's first chapter was founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. The second chapter was started in 1780 at Yale, and the third at Harvard in 1781. Since that time, Phi Beta Kappa chapters have been organized at the leading U.S. universities. Only about 10 percent of all colleges and universities have been chosen to award Phi Beta Kappa.
🏆Phi Beta Kappa members have led the way in virtually every calling of American life. PBKs include Jeff Bezos, founder of (Princeton 1986); Glenn Close, actor (William and Mary 1974); Kerry Washington, actor and activist (George Washington 1998); Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook (Harvard 1992); Peyton Manning, NFL quarterback (Tennessee 1997); Viet Thanh Nguyen, professor and novelist (UC Berkeley 1992); and Amanda Gorman, poet (Harvard 2020).
🏆Seventeen U.S. presidents have been members, including George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
🏆Forty-two U.S. Supreme Court justices have been members, starting with John Marshall, the first Chief Justice of the United States. Additional Supreme Court Justices who are members of Phi Beta Kappa include Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito, Stephen Breyer, Neil Gorsuch, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, Amy Coney Barrett, and the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
🏆Phi Beta Kappa also includes nearly 150 Nobel laureates. Here are a few of them: Carol W. Greider, Johns Hopkins (Medicine 2009); poet Seamus Heaney, Harvard (Literature 1995); John F. Nash, Jr., Princeton (Economics 1994); Glen T. Seaborg, UCLA (Chemistry 1951); Ralph Bunche, UCLA (Peace 1950); Donald J. Cram, UCLA (Chemistry 1987); Andrea M. Ghez, UCLA (Physics 2020); Guido Imbens, Stanford [and UCLA, 1997-2001] (Economics 2021), and UCLA alumnus Ardem Patapoutian, Scripps Research Institute (Physiology or Medicine 2021).
Beauty from the Ashes: LeAnn & Steven Cyr
Excerpt from a recent article:
After three years, LeAnn and Steven Cyr are finally back in their newly restored home with a life-altering experience behind them and a renewed outlook on life.
They say a lot of good came from it: lasting friendships with some remarkable people, a more resilient family and a stronger marriage. They could have never predicted in those early days following the fire, that they would reflect on what had happened with any positivity.
On the night of May 19, 2021, the Cyrs’ Woodland, Texas home was struck by lightning and caught fire. Three fire crews arrived within minutes and battled the blaze for hours. The Cyrs watched from across the street as the flames grew bigger and bigger, and their beautiful home went up in smoke. But this isn’t where their story ends, nor where it begins.
“Your home is your sanctuary. You create that sanctuary with your family, and you can have that anywhere.”
LeAnn and Steven’s story starts at the Clark Air Base in the Philippines where both of their fathers were stationed on military assignments. They attended the same middle school and shared many of the same friends during their time in the Philippines, but eventually lost touch after eighth grade when their families returned to the states.
LeAnn attended George Mason University, earning both an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree in education. She began her professional life as a career counselor at Georgetown University where she developed a passion for helping students turn their academic successes into fulfilling careers. Following Georgetown, LeAnn worked for several years as... [read more]
Alexa’s Graduation Announcement
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2024, and in particular, to the exceptional young lady, Alexa Cyr, whom we are incredibly proud of.
Alexa graduated from UCLA with a (LSAC) GPA of 3.98, consistently earning a place on the dean's honors list every year. Additionally, she served as the President of one of the largest pre-law societies on campus.
Not only did Alexa complete her degree requirements ahead of schedule, but she also dedicated her time and talent as a staff writer for the Daily Bruin for an impressive four years. She actively engaged in research under the esteemed political science department, showcasing her commitment to academic exploration.
Since her freshman year, she has demonstrated her passion for the legal field by working as a legal assistant, gaining valuable hands-on experience that will undoubtedly serve her well in her future endeavors.
Congratulations Alexa we are so proud of you! ❤️🏆🎓
Launch Video for
I'm thrilled to announce the launch of our public sector version of my “College to Career” program. This program has been carefully designed to meet all federal and state guidelines for adoption in the public school system. It not only serves as an official College Career Readiness (CCR) program but also includes a Military Readiness (MR) component, preparing students for the ASVAB and careers in the military. The MR portion is taught by the esteemed Dr. Steven Cyr and incorporates a significant focus on STEM education.
These programs are incredibly important in preparing students for their future, regardless of whether they choose to pursue college, a career, or the military. With military enlistment at an all-time low in the past 30 years and schools struggling to meet TEA benchmarks for CCR/CCRM, we are confident that our programs will provide valuable solutions in the public sector, benefiting our children the most.
We will begin the outreach process by engaging state and local agencies, followed by a national rollout. If you know any high school superintendents in need of a CCR/CCMR program that meets all state and federal guidelines, including the bonus tracking requirements set out by the TEA, please feel free to share this information with them.
For more information, visit our website at and click on the “About Le Cyr Learning” box.
Thank you for your support in spreading the word about our program, which is very much needed in our public school systems.
Scholarship to Pepperdine Caruso School of Law
Congratulations to Alexa Cyr who was just informed yesterday that she was awarded a full ride merit based scholarship to Pepperdine Caruso School of Law under the Dean’s Merit Scholarship.
Her total scholarship awards for this law school cycle has been almost $400k. These awards have all been unsolicited.
Alexa will be making her decision on where she will accept a seat by next month.
We are proud of her accomplishments which are a direct result of the techniques deployed from the college to career program that she helped develop. Alexa has consistently been true to the principles espoused in the curriculum of following your natural inclinations, passions, and gifts to cultivate a meaningful career based on your innate talents and guiding principles. This ideology has served her well in her college, as well as law school, applications as she has never deterred from what our program teaches.
Alexa’s personal narrative has always been narrowly focused; she easily learned to say no early to obligations (and activities) inconsistent with her goals. She has remained true and steadfast, focused on the things that mattered in order to put together a cohesive resume, application, and personal narrative.
Children will excel if you give them a purpose and you allow them to navigate their journey into a fulfilling career. Allowing kids to do what brings them joy is the only way to truly succeed and be satisfied with the work that they do every single day.
One of the Best Books I’ve Read Recently
One of the best books I’ve read recently, Zero to One, helped me understand why the word “innovation” is so prevalent and peppered throughout most college applications. I’ve seen it more in recent years than ever before and Admission officers talk about it ad nauseam.
Higher education institutions are actively seeking innovators and fostering partnerships with the public sector, including government entities, to drive innovation, address societal challenges, and create collaborative opportunities.
I think it’s difficult to understand the admissions process in some of the leading institutions in America, without studying what is mandated by public policies.
In the public sector, you see a push towards funding for innovation and novel ideas. Public money being provided for entrepreneurship programs, research and development, and innovation policies.
This book gets to the heart of the issue regarding the need for innovation beautifully and is so well written…
In “Zero to One,” Peter Thiel emphasizes the importance of creating something new, or going from zero to one, as a key driver of economic growth. Thiel argues that true innovation and progress come from creating unique and valuable products or services that do not yet exist in the market. By focusing on innovation and creating something new, businesses can differentiate themselves, capture new markets, and generate substantial economic value.
Thiel suggests that incremental improvements or competition in existing markets (going from 1 to n) do not lead to significant advancements or sustainable growth. Instead, he advocates for disruptive innovation and the pursuit of original ideas that have the potential to revolutionize industries and create monopoly-like advantages.
By creating something new, entrepreneurs and businesses can break away from the status quo, disrupt traditional industries, and drive economic growth through the introduction of innovative solutions that address unmet needs and unlock new opportunities.
#CollegeAdmissions #CollegeAdvice #zerotoonebook #peterthiel #higheducation #innovation #highereducationpolicies
The Best Way to Beat The Competition
Innovation is the best way to beat the competition
Throughout our entire careers, competition has never really been an issue that concerned us. We never worried about what other medical practices were doing because it was irrelevant relative to what we were doing. We knew what we were doing was different, and we were not fishing in the same pond. Doing things differently neutralizes competition and creates a monopoly. Suddenly, you are the only one doing what you’re doing, so therefore, you have no competition. You have a monopoly.
This creates vertical growth versus horizontal growth.
When we started the medical practice, I knew a few things:
1️⃣ I did not want to set it up as a traditional medical practice for somewhat selfish reasons. I didn’t want to be put in a situation where, if Steven did not want to practice, I could no longer own the practice. Due to the “Corporate Practice of Medicine Act,” a non-physician cannot own a Medical Practice because an MD can’t be an employee of someone who is not an MD. They must be able to operate independently and make decisions unrestrained for obvious reasons. They have to be free to make decisions in the very best interest of the patients. So I set the practice up as a management company. Anyone can own a management company (as long as the doctors are not employees; they are contractors). This was an innovative way for me to have a medical practice but not be a doctor.
2️⃣ I also knew that I wanted the practice to be vertically integrated, and we have stayed true to that concept even 25 years later by incorporating wellness products and even OrthoSculpt/cosmetic surgery into the practice. Always integrating other lines of business and revenue sources.
3️⃣ I also marketed the practice in unconventional ways. We never depended on referrals from other doctors. Most of our patients came from direct marketing, which was, at the time, very unconventional for doctors. It was considered passé for doctors to put up billboards and be featured in print magazines, but I knew that I did not want to pander to Family Practice or other doctors for referrals. I felt that it was self-defeating to an extent, considering how much training Steve had been through to now go door-to-door. I went on one call with him and waited in the family practice waiting room for over an hour. I looked at Steve and said, never again is that happening.
Steven himself, as a surgeon, has always been very innovative. He did spine surgery very differently, which is probably why his success rates are well above the national average. Even before entering cosmetic surgery, he invented his own technique, OrthoSculpt, which is a fusion of his orthopedic knowledge and cosmetic surgery knowledge combined. I trademarked the procedure, so now we have a monopoly on it.
In setting up Le CYR Consulting, I knew that I wanted to teach kids the pathway to college and their career in a different way, as a roadmap, I wanted to teach them more from a practical standpoint that made sense and was consistent with the underlying self-affirming beliefs that everyone has natural talents that they are born with. These ideas were predicated on education and psychological theories such as those of Howard Gardner and Carl Rogers. A practical approach to college and career planning that sprung from the belief that a talent-focused workforce where kids are taught purpose and passion is the only way to create innovators and leaders who truly are passionate about what they do every day, which will allow them to be more vested in getting good grades because it actually benefits them, not the adults in their lives.
I just finished reading a fantastic book. I try to always have one or two books going at a time, and this one was absolutely unbelievable. It is called Zero to One; when I read it, I realized why I had this mentality that I do. Steve and I are both creators; we like to create things. I guess the modern buzzard is now innovators, but we’ve always been this way, and we are both independent like that.
We have absolutely no interest in re-creating something that someone else has already done. Or opening a business that someone has created and then duplicating it. There's nothing wrong with that; that’s just not what we’re interested in doing.
In the book "Zero to One," Peter Thiel argues that competition is not always beneficial for businesses. He suggests that instead of focusing on competing within an existing market, companies should strive to create new markets or innovate within existing markets. Thiel refers to this as "vertical growth" or "doing something new."
Horizontal growth, on the other hand, refers to the act of competing within an established market by offering similar products or services. Thiel believes that horizontal growth is limited in its potential because it often leads to a race to the bottom, where companies are constantly trying to undercut each other and gain a larger market share.
Thiel's point is that true innovation and substantial growth come from creating something new or significantly improving upon existing products or services. By pursuing vertical growth, companies have the opportunity to differentiate themselves and capture a larger share of the market, rather than getting caught in the cycle of intense competition.
Innovation makes competition irrelevant. ☺️
Katy Angels Recognition
Last night, Le CYR Consulting received a very kind recognition from NPO Katy Angels for the work we are doing to help kids in the community develop a roadmap to success.
Katy Angels also sponsored 3 scholarships for students to receive the “College To Career” educational curriculum. 🙏
#katyangels #philanthropy #CommunitySupport #scholarships #educationforall
What a Year!
As I reflect on this past year, the word that comes to mind is adaptability. In this ever-changing world, I’ve seen businesses, entrepreneurs, and people rise and fall due to their ability or inability to adapt. The changes in our societal "norms" have at times been good, but some not so good. Among the worst, in my opinion, is the blatant intolerance of opinions diametrically opposed to our own. The rise of social media has brought the expansion of a proverbial modern-day peanut gallery.
But it’s also brought out a new crop of entrepreneurs with innovative ideas, access to information, and more direct consumer marketing. The latter we have been able to capitalize on for the most part.
We have seen the growth of SASpine & CYRxMD in both Houston and San Antonio to a point where there is an even distribution of patients served between both markets. We are extremely grateful to our patients for their trust in our clinic, and especially in Dr. Cyr.
We have expanded Le CYR Consulting's government contracting opportunities and private sector opportunities by adding an online curriculum for schools to assist in college and career readiness.
We even started a liquor business (more to come in 2024 on that).
On a personal note... Alexa successfully applied to law school with acceptances to USC, UCLA, and Vandy on a scholarship (she is still waiting for two more acceptances before deciding).
Caden started at Vandy as an Ingram Scholar and is adjusting to college life very well.
Colton and Ava have both been accepted to TJC School and will begin Jan 2024.
Colton took up competitive rowing and participated in his first two regattas this fall. He continues practicing mixed martial arts as well, focusing on Chinese kickboxing.
Ava is progressing in her coding interest and has successfully written over 100 scripts of code for a programming project she’s been working on for about a year. She’s definitely my little STEM girl.
Steve and I celebrated 24 years of marriage and moved back to our home after a two-year rebuild.
All in all, 2023 was a great year, and we are excited to see what 2024 has in store for us. 🙏❤️
Dean’s Scholarship and Dean’s Leadership Award
We just found out that Alexa received acceptance to Vanderbilt Law School and was awarded the Dean’s Scholarship and Dean’s Leadership Award. She still hasn’t made a decision and is waiting on two more law school decisions, but I want to make a point about this accomplishment and encourage everybody with her hard work.
Alexa has many personality characteristics that I admire, but the most significant one is her work ethic and persistence. Yes, she is intelligent, but that would be nothing if she could not properly channel it towards some meaningful end.
Her natural gift, and I believe ALL children have natural gifts, is her linguistic intelligence. She is an extremely talented writer, speaker, and communicator. She also has incredible interpersonal skills.
But the reason she is where she is, is because of her 100% pure drive and determination to succeed. I have never met a harder worker, so when I tell you that she deserves everything that is coming to her, I mean that sincerely and from a place of wanting to encourage others to persevere.
I know that there were times when she was very stressed out studying nonstop, but I never discouraged her because I knew that it was for a season. There doesn’t have to be balance in your life every single day; there just has to be balance over time. There are times when you buckle down: preparing for law school entrance exams, the SAT, or a competition.
Although she is well-rounded, she’s not well-rounded every day. There are days when she studies 20 hours straight and works nonstop, and there are days when she goes to the beach with her friends.
When it’s time to work, work hard and passionately towards your goal. And when it’s time to rest, rest and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Congratulations, Alexa.
1. UCLA School of Law
2. USC Gould School of Law
3. Vanderbilt Law Schhol
4. Pepperdine Law School
#Scholarships #CollegeAdvice #CollegeAdmissions #CollegeEssays #RésuméWriting #InterviewingSkills #lawschool #collegetocareercoaching
CollegeToCareer.ORG On Air with KHOU-11
HOUSTON — The college admissions process can be daunting and extremely competitive. After navigating the process with her own kids successfully, Houston mom Leann Cyr wanted to help others do the same.
She found colleges want to see students’ personalities and passions shine through in their applications.
“Between the two of (my children), they collectively received over half a million dollars in merit-based scholarships,” Cyr said.
She turned her experience into a business, launching
“We’re not teaching the kids reading, writing and arithmetic,” she said. “Ultimately, that’s the job of the teachers. What we’re teaching them is everything else required to get into college.”
Glenn Flojo enrolled his son in the program after learning how complicated the process has... read more right here!
CollegeToCareer.ORG CW39 Interview
Thank you Sharron Melton @ CW39 Houston for inviting me to discuss my new passion project www.CollegeToCareer.ORG
This has been a labor of love and I’m excited about the potential to help all students find their way towards a brighter future. 🏆 broadcast/savedclips/view/9rvrB5LDeB
#collegetocareer #CareerAdvice #InterviewingSkills #EssayWriting #RésuméWriting #StartingABusiness #ProfessionalDevelopment #careerdevelopment #collegeprep #collegeadvice
Quite a Few People Ask Me About This
I've had quite a few people ask me about how my classes are formatted to deliver the information in a way that is easy to follow.
I'm attaching a small snippet of module 4, which is about interviewing, lesson 2, which is going over the "top 20" most popular interview questions.
There are also downloadable documents, slides, and worksheets associated with every class.
To see the full list of all 20 classes, go to ☺️
This is literally a step-by-step guide that I am navigating for the entire program. The only section that I don't do personally is the SAT preparation section, which Alexa does.
#InterviewingQuestions #InterviewingTips #InterviewingSkills #CollegeToCareer
C2C Donates 5 Scholarships
CollegeToCareer.ORG (with the help of CommuniCare) has recently donated 5 scholarships to the Rey Feo Organization, a membership-based nonprofit that awards scholarships to qualified San Antonio area students.
Be sure to check out The Steven And Leann CYR Family Charitable Fund for more details on scholarships!
This Issue Affects All of Us
Texas Education Agency delays release of 2023 A-F accountability ratings by a month
This is an issue that affects all of us. Even if we do not have kids in public schools, the ongoing issues with our public school system does have an indirect impact on the value of our properties.
Strong educational systems and schools with a reputation for producing well-prepared graduates are often seen as desirable factors for families when considering where to live.
Areas with high-performing schools and a track record of college readiness tend to attract more homebuyers, which can contribute to increased property values.
Conversely, if a community or school district consistently struggles with students not being adequately prepared for college, it can lead to a decline in property values.
Investing in education and ensuring students are well-prepared for college can have positive long-term effects on property values by fostering a thriving community with a strong educational system.
One of the ongoing challenges in the Texas educational system (see attached article) is the issue of students not being adequately prepared for college. Many students face difficulties in transitioning from high school to higher education institutions due to a lack of essential skills and knowledge.
There are several factors including inadequate college and career counseling and planning. Students may not receive sufficient guidance on course selection, college applications, or financial aid options. This lack of support can leave them uninformed about the expectations and processes involved in pursuing higher education.
The curriculum that I developed (CollegeToCareer.ORG) addresses this issue head on, and is a SOLUTION for this pervasive problem in our educational system, not just in Texas, but around the country.
(Discussion with @sharronmelton1 with CW39 Houston)
Be sure to check out The Steven And Leann CYR Family Charitable Fund for more details on scholarships!
CollegeToCareer.ORG Scholarships!
We are currently releasing 50 scholarships.
Our scholarship program aims to award students from diverse backgrounds with free access to the CollegeToCareer.ORG curriculum. Scholarships are sponsored by Corporate Donations and evaluated by the Executive Team based on financial need. Requirements for students to be placed in contention for free access is a one-page (600 word) diversity statement using the following guidelines described on our website, CollegeToCareer.ORG