Respect Other Peoples’ Opinions

People have asked me why my posts are apolitical...

It is not that I don’t have an’s just that I don’t care to convert you to believe in my opinion. I’m of the school of thought that everyone sees the world through their own worldview and that view is made up of years and years of personal experiences, struggles, and thought processes that I could never possibly understand. So I choose to respect other peoples’ opinions. Not that I don’t have an opinion, but that I feel that it is important for me to try to see and respect other peoples’ perspectives regardless of whether I agree with them or not. Where I draw the line is obviously when people don’t respect mine.

The thing is, I really don’t care if people “agree” with me. Just as long as they give me the right and respect to have my own beliefs and ideas without getting triggered. Just as I do them.

As  a matter of fact, sometimes I think if too many people “agree” with me my ideas may be too conventional, and I don’t want to be conventional. I like to think a little bit differently, or at least think that I think a little bit differently. 😂 I’ve never been a herd-mentality type of person and I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum. So I’m very confident in my political worldview and I have absolutely zero desire to trumpet them on social media and offend people.

Express your voices and be heard at the voting poll.

#beyou #doyou #cyriouslyspeaking #canIgetAnAmen #respect


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