Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

The Elephant in the Room

I’m going to call out the elephant in the room because this has been bothering me for some time. I’ve been told by many people that the best response is no response, but I have to address this head on. For those of you that know what I’m talking about, you will know exactly what I’m referring to. For those of you that don’t, you will not care. So here goes...

About six months ago a very irresponsible and amateur writer decided to submit an article to a national publication about me and Steven, mostly about me though. I won’t mention his name because I don’t want to give him notoriety, which is what he seeks. The article was about a case we are involved in with our former, very dishonest, building landlord and his cronies, who essentially were responsible for the demise of our former company “in my opinion” (obligatory caveat inserted). It was picked up by a national publication as an “opinion” piece. The case had not, and still has not, gone to court. However, this Jack Ass (I will refer to him as Jack going forward) decides to write his “opinion” on it as if it had been heard and, worse yet, he predicates his opinion on “facts” that do not exist. Never labeling them “alleged” - merely stating them as foregone conclusions. The facts as he states them did not exist then nor do they exist now, rendering his opinion erroneous and base-less, and at the very least, irresponsible. But since it is “his opinion” and he leaves enough wiggle room in the language to give himself an out, he accomplishes the libel he set out to do.

It is my “opinion” that he decided to write this article to propel his own greed and reputation as an attorney (he has his own practice and is obviously free lancing as an amateur writer).

Fast forward six months later and many of the alleged “facts” in the case have been dismissed (not even surviving long enough to see their day in court) due to the fact that the claims have no merit and are completely baseless...simply unfounded accusations made by greedy billion dollar companies to squeeze small business owners (in my opinion).

I contacted Jack and sent him documents with actual court rulings contradicting his “opinion” and requesting a retraction or, at the very least, a follow up article. Unfortunately, he did not respond, preferring to stand behind his unfounded opinion in the face of evidence to the contrary. Leaving me no choice but to consider a libel and slander suit against him and anyone involved in spreading these false statements. In addition to filing a grievance in every state he holds licensure in, which I believe are multiple.

It’s scary for me to think that in today’s day and age we can’t even believe what we read and that credible publications are picking up articles from sources of information that are only writing for their own self promotion and propaganda under the guise of public interest and opinion pieces.

For those of you who believed me from the beginning, thank you. For those of you that didn’t, let this be a lesson to you that you shouldn’t believe and spread everything that you read; you should consider doing your OWN research instead of relying on the opinion of a Jack Ass.

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