The Women in My Life…

I do a lot of posts about my family and my business, but I don’t post a lot about the women in my life. I think women should make it a habit to support each other.

I was looking at this picture from this past Christmas Day, and although it is not inclusive of everyone that I have so much respect for, it is a very good snapshot. I was musing over the accomplishments of these women and I was so impressed when I paused to think about everything that they have done. Among them are Heather, Hollie, and Reema. All of them are mothers and wives with dedicated husbands and successful marriages.

Heather, or Hetty as I like to call her, whom I have known for 12 years, is an owner of a successful franchise in Austin, Kids R Kids, and travels back-and-forth from Austin to San Antonio while taking care of her two young (adorable) twin boys and maintaining an avid social life with strong, long-term friendships. Heather is the friend that you can always count on, the most reliable, consistent, and thoughtful person I know. 💝

Hollie is a self-made woman who has invested her money from multiple entrepreneurial endeavors including government contracting and real estate to create a life for herself where she can utilize her innate ability with numbers. She flips homes, rents homes, and sells homes. Hollie is the person that everyone loves. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t at least like her; you either love her or like her. But no one dislikes Hollie. 🫂

Reema, who I have also known for 12 years, is a former Healthcare Attorney turned entrepreneur. She travels all over the country hosting events through her company Frost 321 - most of her events are with large, corporate clientele that she built from the ground up with a product whose quality is unsurpassed. Not only is Reema extremely intelligent, but she’s a ton of fun. If you’re adventurous, Reema is the friend for you. 🥳

Maybe it’s age or maybe it’s Covid, but I think these times has made everyone more reflective and selective. I’m proud of the quality of people I have in my life. There are many more so you better smile for the camera cause you never know when I’m going to make a post about you. 🥰😜


2021 Year In Review – Major Highlights


Happy 22 Year Anniversary