My Current Skincare Routine

As Fall approaches, it is necessary to take a good look at your current skincare routine. As the temperature begins to drop, it is necessary to ensure that you are feeding your skin with the vital ingredients it needs to enhance healthy, beautiful skin. Studies have found that adding retinol pads to your skincare routine this Fall comes with several benefits. These pads are ideal to help cleanse and hydrate the surface while enhancing beautiful, youthful skin. Here are a few reasons you should use retinol pads.

Helps Minimize Inflammation:
Applying these pads to the surface of the skin is an amazing way to help keep your pores unclogged. Unfortunately, if your skin has an excessive build-up of dirt and impurities, this causes the pores to become clogged, which leads to redness and swelling on the surface.

Promotes Youthful Skin:
Unfortunately, as we get older, it is not uncommon for the body to produce less collagen. Once the body begins to produce less collagen, this makes it easier for visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines to appear on the facial area. Fortunately, adding retinol pads to your skincare routine has been shown to help boost collagen production on the skin. Once collagen begins to increase on the surface, this helps limit premature aging on the skin and also minimizes wrinkles and fine lines on the surface.

Helps with Skin Regeneration:
People have found that using retinol pads have helped improve conditions such as hyperpigmentation and scarring on the skin. Studies show that these pads help enhance the skin regeneration process, which makes it easier for the surface to recover at a faster pace to help maximize healthy, youthful skin this Fall.
Full article right here.


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