10 Year Challege… Almost

I had to laugh when I saw this picture of me from eight years ago pop up on my timeline. It occurred to me that I wore the same dress eight years later in a recent photo shoot for SA Monthly Magazine. This is going to surprise people, but I’m oddly frugal when it comes to things like spending money on myself, especially designer clothes. I don’t think that people would guess that about me. I DO spend money on things like vacations and breaking bread around a beautifully prepared meal and nice wine with family and friends. I feel like those things create memories and memories are the building blocks of who we are.

I know many may not agree because these things are intangible, but, for me, they’re priceless. I’ve always said that one of the best things that you can give your children growing up are “good memories.” My girls are not going to want my old designer dresses and they’re certainly not going to take them with them, but they will take the memories that we created together and they won’t remember, or care, what I was wearing.

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Business Insider, Yahoo! Finance, etc…


2019 Highlights