Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Who Are You Really Fooling?

OK, so I’m going to write about something that may not be very popular. First of all, Facebook is my favorite social media platform for a number reasons, but I also have Instagram (Instagram.com/CYRious.mgmt), which is probably my second favorite. This isn’t really saying that much considering I really only use two.

My main issue with Instagram is people‘s ability to “buy” followers. I really do not understand this at all. 🙄First of all, it’s VERY obvious when people do this. Second, they don’t just buy followers, but they go so far as to buy “likes”.  🤦‍♀️ Third, doesn’t this defeat the purpose of being an “influencer,” if that’s in fact your goal?

If you’re buying the likes and followers, who are you really influencing if you’re paying them? I just don’t understand what the point is. Even if you’re fooling your organic audience info thinking you are a badass, you really are not fooling yourself because you actually know that you’re doing it, right?  Plus, when people find out, you lose credibility. 

The only person you’re really making feel good is yourself, but how good can you really feel about something that is not real?  Trust me, when I first got Instagram I looked at all of the services and even tried one for a couple of months and found it to be very counterproductive to what my ultimate goal was.... which was to build an organic audience that actually cared about what I had to say.

Now I understand businesses “promoting” their posts, either on Facebook or Instagram; this makes sense because you’re trying to reach a larger audience and get your message out (whether it’s your business, blog, non-profit etc), but when you pay someone to follow you and to like your posts, it’s not really about promoting your brand because the person that you purchased that “interest” from may not really care, whereas the person you promote it to may in fact care, but just needed to be made aware of it.  I mean does a homeless person in a Third World country really give a sh%t about your brand when they are worried about survival? 

Maybe I’m not looking at the right way, but sheesh. Be real people.  ✌🏽

If you don’t have the following, create better content.☺️

#sheesh #realtalk #bereal #beyou #authenticity #cyriouslyspeaking

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Are You Truly Listening?

Here it is, I believe that God speaks to us every day. Maybe not with words, but through signs... and our ability to understand and connect with him is directly tied to how much we are distracted by the material world. Are you drowning out HIS message with substances? Are you too busy to hear him? Or are you suffocated by your own problems? At times, I’ve been guilty of all of these things, but the times that I’ve had the most clarity in my life and made the best decisions have been directly tied to my ability to listen to HIM. That internal voice, a sign that something is not right or IS right. The most significant of these times was this little baby girl that I’m holding here. I’ve stopped telling her story because, as beautiful as it is, I don’t want people to misunderstand my message. So I choose to hold it close, and she is getting to the age where she will start to ask questions...

Nevertheless, there is no doubt in my mind that everything good that has happened to me has happened because I listened and I was obedient. As I navigate this crazy world and muscle through the problems that people have brought upon me, I am thankful for all the blessings... and I do, regardless of all, see God working in my life every single day. 🙏❤️

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Alexa on KSAT12/Fox

Remembering when Alexa was interviewed by Kimberly Crawford of KSAT12/Fox. She had a great time talking about her non-profit, PROject Christ.

(DYK that community service is an important part of the College Application process? Admission Counselors want to know you are involved with and care about your community.)

Watch the full video right here!

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Happy Father’s Day Steve

May you always be the type of father that your sons look up to and want to be like when they grow up. I pray that their wives feel as blessed as I do to be married to them as I do to be married to you. Thank you for being a great role model to our sons, setting an example for our daughters on what they should expect in a spouse, and being a great son and brother. But most of all for being a perfect husband to me.

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Why We Do What We Do

#Testimonial Patient Bernard Barcena:

“...In all earnest, you and Steven are such good role models. The two of you have so much love it overflows to your children. I have so much love for Steven as a brother in Christ and so much love for Doctor Cyr.

After my surgery I had some complications. I turned septic and spent 9 hours in the emergency room... I had a wound that needed special attention Dr. Cyr came and did a surgery to clean out my wound and stop the infection. This was done on Christmas morning. He took care of me before joining you and your children in New York.

I asked him if he saw the hand of God in his work. He told me he prays over every patient before surgery. I had asked others the same question. He then told me that every patient he operates on is treated as if they are his brother or sister. He told me he prayed to God to find him a wife and God blessed him with you.

You are truly an inspiration. When I first met him I needed a revision surgery I was a mess. I asked him can you fix my cervical spine. He told me I put people who were blown up back together. My God has always sent angels to watch over me.

To my brother Steven and his inspiration LeAnn. Thank you!”🙏




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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

How God Intended Them

I’ve always believed that kids are born exactly how God intended them to be and it’s our jobs as parents not to mess them up. I’m constantly amazed how all four of my children are so different, yet raised in the same household with the same values, with the same rules and beliefs, but they are all completely different. My two youngest ones, Ava and Colton, were given these awards at the end of the school year and they couldn’t be more perfectly suited for them.

Ava is my social butterfly
Colton is my creative genius
Caden is my business man
Alexa is my humanitarian

I will always be forever grateful and count my blessings every day of my life that God trusted me and Steven with these beautiful souls. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

“Phenomenal Woman”

For all you phenomenal women out there...💛

“Phenomenal Woman”

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.

I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size

But when I start to tell them,

They think I’m telling lies.

I say,

It’s in the reach of my arms,

The span of my hips,

The stride of my step,

The curl of my lips.

I’m a woman


Phenomenal woman,

That’s me.

I walk into a room

Just as cool as you please,

And to a man,

The fellows stand or

Fall down on their knees.

Then they swarm around me,

A hive of honey bees.

I say,

It’s the fire in my eyes,

And the flash of my teeth,

The swing in my waist,

And the joy in my feet.

I’m a woman


Phenomenal woman,

That’s me.

Men themselves have wondered

What they see in me.

They try so much

But they can’t touch

My inner mystery.

When I try to show them,

They say they still can’t see.

I say,

It’s in the arch of my back,

The sun of my smile,

The ride of my breasts,

The grace of my style.

I’m a woman


Phenomenal woman,

That’s me.

Now you understand

Just why my head’s not bowed.

I don’t shout or jump about

Or have to talk real loud.

When you see me passing,

It ought to make you proud.

I say,

It’s in the click of my heels,

The bend of my hair,

the palm of my hand,

The need for my care.

’Cause I’m a woman


Phenomenal woman,

That’s me.


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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Strong Alone, Unstoppable Together

Today marks the 10 anniversary of Steve’s departure from the military. His civilian practice has been bittersweet. His relationships with his patients have been the most rewarding, but the practice of medicine, and the vultures that come with it, has been fraught with frustration and difficulty. Dealing with crooked businessman, unethical landlords, and incompetent colleagues to name a few issues. We have learned much in the last 10 years, but the common theme has been to never trust your business to others and never take your hands off the wheel.

Specifically, the four biggest lessons I’ve learned in business in the last 10 years are:

Lesson number 1: When helping others, make sure that they have skin in the game. Never carry the liability for your friends/colleagues, no matter how close you think they are. Helping so many of our colleagues out of the military transition into civilian life, helping a failing family practice group establish a new practice, and helping dozens of friends needing employment, only came back to hurt us later. They conveniently used us, then when things got rough they exited with no liability and no responsibility. Leaving us holding the bag.

Lesson number 2: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Being as hard-working and trustworthy as we are, we assume that everyone else is the same way. When you meet slick, smooth talking businessman from big cities, you assume that they’re smart, entrepreneurial and industrious, but a lot of them are also crooked, evil and deceitful. And when they go under, they try to bring you down with them even though you have nothing to do with their shenanigans. Always cover your ass - document, document, document. I’ve met so many people in my life that tell me they wipe their computers after a year or delete their messages, I never really understood why. If you’re innocent, you’re honest and you run a tight ship, don’t you want to save those things? Luckily for me, I always have. You never know when someone is going to try to reduce their sentence by throwing you under the bus or at least trying to. We live in a day and age when you’re guilty, especially by public opinion, unless you can prove that you are innocent. Don’t get rid of the very things that can prove your point.

Lesson number 3: Do a background check on the history of your landlords, business associates etc. More to come on that, but suffice it to say...don’t sign a lease with people that have a history of suing doctors and going after tenants’ personal assets. Lets just put it this way, there are certain buildings you need to stay away from. A million/billion dollar REIT that comes into our city to pilfer from hard working, tax abiding citizens are NOT the victims.

Lesson number 4: Do not mix friendship with business. I know that this is a very common lesson and everyone thinks they can. You can’t. Trust me, the most heinous betrayals have been by friends that we have “helped”. Don’t do it. Anyone that claims to be your friend that has something to gain from you through a business relationship is not really your friend. Friendship should be independent of any wanting. If they are not, they are not your friends. It’s okay, but just understand what the relationship is and how to prioritize it.

Oh, one last one...there are no Princes from Dubai living in San Antonio, Texas. Lol.

Happy 10 year anniversary Steven! Keep doing what you’re doing for your patients, changing lives everyday. I will worry about the nonsense. Looking forward to going to the next 10 years and then 10 years after that with laser focus vision and a lot more wisdom.

Feel free to share this post.

#BetterNotBitter #CyriouslySpeaking #OlderAndWiser #SASpine #Leann_Cyr

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Developing New Ideas

As an entrepreneur, I thrive on new ideas. If I’m not developing new ideas, I feel stifled and stagnant. If my day consists of the obligatory administrative duties and reacting to things from the outside world, versus creating and thinking through concepts, it actually affects my mood and I can become despondent.  I have a rule for myself to try to have one new idea every single day, no matter how big or small. The idea has to involve expanding my businesses or propelling them forward.  If I can’t come up with a business idea then I try to think of something for my children, either collectively or individually, that will help them reach their personal goals and objectives.

When someone on my management team gets a text from me saying, “call me, I have an idea” they know what that means. LOL.

Not every idea is successful and not every idea works, but as long as I have more good ones than bad ones, then I know I’m heading in the right direction.

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

It’s Simple; Simply Me

So I was asked to do this challenge by multiple women a while back where we were supposed to post one picture of ourselves that we felt reflected who we were. I didn’t take anyone up on the challenge because, quite frankly, I couldn’t find a picture that I felt really captured me. Then I was walking by my bathroom one day and I realize that this picture hanging on my wall was probably my favorite picture. I like the authentic, bare and natural aspects of it - I like the fact that I look solemn but confident.

I’m not trying to be or do anything in the picture. No jewelry. No props. I’m just there. I like that it’s an attractive picture but not gratuitous (an art we’ve lost these days). It’s simple; simply me.

IG: instagram.com/cyrious.mgmt

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

2020 Graduates

Congratulations to all the 2020 graduates!! Although your circumstances were different than you may have expected, remember that every day is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it count! 🏆❤️🙏

“It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.” ~The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Happy Mother’s Day

They say a picture is worth a thousand words!

I love this picture of my mom because it captures everything she is: joyful, spontaneous, beautiful, kind and fun-loving. Happy Mother’s Day to the best mom in the 🌎 world. Thank you for all you do for us...and all the lives you touch and mouths you feed. 🍜

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

OracLe College Consulting Update

HOUSTON, May 4, 2020,/PRNewswire/ — OracLe College Consulting announced today that the results of their first official year of college Admissions acceptances were a huge success, with positive decisions coming in from top-notch Universities across the country including Berkeley, University of Michigan and UCLA to name a few. “We are incredibly excited about the results of our first official year working with students through the OracLe program and services,” states CEO and Founder, LeAnn Cyr, M.Ed. OracLe services include resume building, essay writing, interview preparation, college researching, and test preparation. Also noteworthy were… [read more here].

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Friends Ask You Questions…

“Friends ask you questions; enemies question you.” ~Criss Jami

You never have to explain yourself to a friend. Although they recognize you are not perfect, they know your intentions are pure. True friends will give you the benefit of the doubt. If not, they should lose the benefit of your friendship.

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

With Experience and Knowledge Comes…

I read somewhere that your brain is the most intelligent, or maximized, at 25 yo. Although I don’t know if this is true or not, I will say that even if it were, at 25 you simply don’t have the knowledge that is acquired through experience in life. With experience and knowledge comes Wisdom.

I would rather listen to a truly wise person than a young, intelligent yet inexperienced person. There are just some things you can’t understand without going through it and then allowing time to give you the knowledge, and perspective, you need to truly grow from those experiences.

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

We Need to Change our Approach

Alexa unwittingly found herself caught up in one of her first fairly heated religious/political debates the other day and I was so proud of the way she ended the argument. She exited with a quote I said to her years ago that even I had forgotten...

“You’ll Never Argue Anyone Into Believing What You Believe.” Period.

I have yet to meet a person who found their faith by loosing an argument...or switched political parties because someone convinced them they are stupid.

I have, however, met people that became Christians because they were going through difficulties in their lives and another Christian showed them love and compassion. Through that love and compassion they, too, wanted to learn more about from where this reservoir of empathy poured.

To illustrate my point, if you are courting your girlfriend and are trying to get her to fall in love with you, do you argue and yell at her? Make her feel incompetent for not loving you? Or are you kind and caring, showing her why she should?

If a person can’t see what you’re trying to convince them of being executed positively in your life... why would they want to be a part of it?  In other words, if you’re not displaying your faith, or even your politics, properly and in a loving, diplomatic way, why would anyone want to learn anything about them?

We need to change our approach...

You don’t need to convince anyone to believe what you believe.  Live Your Life Well.  They will see that example and want to follow it or, at the very least, be curious about it.  If they don’t or aren’t, you weren’t convincing them of anything anyway.


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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Beautiful Mommies Review

Awesome write-up/review of our #CYRx MD skincare products from Beautiful Mommies blog. 💗

Are you stuck at home during this quarantine? You cannot go out and get your hair or nails done, and you cannot go get a facial- but there are beauty treatments that you can do at home so that when you get back into the 'real world' you will look and feel your best. CYRx MD Skincare products can help you achieve youthful skin AND... [read more] right here.

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Failure is a Part of Success

Since Easter is about new beginnings, I thought that I would share ours. I’m a big believer in transparency and honesty. So it doesn’t bother me at all having to admit when I fail because I think that it’s important that people know that failure is a part of success. There is not one successful person out there who hasn’t failed tremendously at least one time in their life.

This article, that was picked up by Market Watch, chronicles and summarizes what happened to our former company, OSI, and how we had to start over completely with SASpine. I hope it inspires many of you who are probably worried right now about the very real possibility of having to start over, your business shutting down, possibly even bankruptcy. God willing that doesn’t happen, but please know that you can come out stronger if you can weather the storm. 💪🏽

Romans 5:3-4

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Full article: https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/saspine-solidifies-partnership-new-location-added-2020-02-25

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Leann Cyr Leann Cyr

Generation Change Scholars Program

Alexa has received quite a few awards and scholarships, but I am especially proud of this one because of what it means. She was selected as a “UC Berkeley Generation Change Scholar,” which is awarded to students that they feel have the potential to “change the world” for the better...”game changers, revolutionaries, trailblazers and solution seekers”.

I am so incredibly proud of this young lady. 🙏📚💗

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