Developing New Ideas

As an entrepreneur, I thrive on new ideas. If I’m not developing new ideas, I feel stifled and stagnant. If my day consists of the obligatory administrative duties and reacting to things from the outside world, versus creating and thinking through concepts, it actually affects my mood and I can become despondent.  I have a rule for myself to try to have one new idea every single day, no matter how big or small. The idea has to involve expanding my businesses or propelling them forward.  If I can’t come up with a business idea then I try to think of something for my children, either collectively or individually, that will help them reach their personal goals and objectives.

When someone on my management team gets a text from me saying, “call me, I have an idea” they know what that means. LOL.

Not every idea is successful and not every idea works, but as long as I have more good ones than bad ones, then I know I’m heading in the right direction.

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Strong Alone, Unstoppable Together


It’s Simple; Simply Me