LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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Are You Truly Listening?

Here it is, I believe that God speaks to us every day. Maybe not with words, but through signs... and our ability to understand and connect with him is directly tied to how much we are distracted by the material world. Are you drowning out HIS message with substances? Are you too busy to hear him? Or are you suffocated by your own problems? At times, I’ve been guilty of all of these things, but the times that I’ve had the most clarity in my life and made the best decisions have been directly tied to my ability to listen to HIM. That internal voice, a sign that something is not right or IS right. The most significant of these times was this little baby girl that I’m holding here. I’ve stopped telling her story because, as beautiful as it is, I don’t want people to misunderstand my message. So I choose to hold it close, and she is getting to the age where she will start to ask questions...

Nevertheless, there is no doubt in my mind that everything good that has happened to me has happened because I listened and I was obedient. As I navigate this crazy world and muscle through the problems that people have brought upon me, I am thankful for all the blessings... and I do, regardless of all, see God working in my life every single day. 🙏❤️