Be Kind Always

I’ve always believed that you never know the impact that you will have on someone’s life, even in a fleeting moment. Sometimes we say something, we do something and it could be the most benign thing, but it makes an indelible impression on the person that you are interacting with. Ideally, there are more positive impressions that we’re leaving than negative... I remember when I was younger a family friend told me that I had the “worst smile he’s ever seen” - he said it under his breath while he was taking my picture, but for years and years, I was self-conscious about my smile. 😁

On the flip side, the same thing can be true for leaving a positive impact. Last year Ashley had a chance meeting with a woman that did her make-up for family pictures that we were shooting and they had an innocent conversation about PCOS. The make-up artist had a personal experience that she shared with Ashley and gave her a lot of advice about how she could overcome and eventually have children of her own! I think Ashley thought it was an impossibility. That chance meeting resulted in Ashley changing her diet, going to the appropriate doctors and following a plan that eventually put her on a pathway to losing 30 pounds. It created an environment in her body that was conducive to having children ...with her permission I’m proud to announce that Ashley is pregnant and is due later this year!!

We’re so happy for Ashley and Edwin and wish them all the very best. But, the moral of the story is that you never really know the impact that you’re going to have on a single life, on any single day or in any single moment.

Be kind always. ❤️

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Superior to Others?


“As Seen on TV”!!