Gotcha Day!

I heard once that Adoption is a gift of the highest order. Although I couldn’t agree more, I would add that the gift is to the parents. I’ve been told a couple dozen times in Ava‘s life how “lucky she is, how fortunate she is, and how blessed she is.” I do appreciate these very well-intentioned comments, I would only add that we, as parents, are the ones receiving the gift...we are truly the lucky, fortunate, and blessed ones. Yes, I know that it goes both ways; however, relative to the amount of joy that she has given us, I don’t know if the scales are evenly weighted.

People asked me many times during the course of the pregnancy, “What if she is taken from you at birth? What if the birth mom changes her mind?” I always replied the same way...If our presence in this situation was simply to convince her birth mom to keep her...and that was our role that God intended for us, then I would be OK with that. Having a part in saving a life or sparing a life was important in and of itself. I had to trust in God’s plan for us and for her.

Of course, once Ava comes home from the hospital that completely changes. But prior to that, my feeling was that sometimes the story is not yours; sometimes you’re just a part of someone else’s journey. You are playing a minor role in THEIR story.

Fortunately, for us, that was not the case and our role in Ava’s life, and hers in ours, was much bigger. She is truly a gift of the highest order.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Happy #GotchaDay🥰


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