
Happy International Women’s Day to the ones who mean so much and have inspired me the most in my life.

There should be no secret about the profound amount of love and respect I have for my mother. Coming from a third world country in the middle of one of the most brutal wars in American history, she came to this country with all the odds against her. She made a life for herself and her family. A loving wife and mom, she went on to start her own business in order to take care of her family in Vietnam. She found her way and changed many lives because of her sacrifices.

My mother-in-law, who came from an aristocratic family, but did not marry into one. She encouraged and supported her husband, who had no education of real significance until she encouraged him, supported him and pushed him to get his Master's Degree and two PhDs while she took care of their three sons and helped him to be a successful clinical psychologist.

Ashley, my nanny has become like a third daughter to me. The first-generation college graduate who is smarter than most of the highly educated elitists I have met in my circle of life, including many Attorneys and Corporate Executives. Her ability to grasps difficult concepts so quickly taught me that, other than death, Education is truly the equalizer of all people.

My sister-in-law, Crystal, with her quiet strength and sense of peace, coupled with the love she gives my brother, who I never thought would find the perfect mate for his soul; he has found in her.

Lastly, my beautiful Alexa and Ava. There are no words to describe how proud I am of you Alexa, things that you have accomplished in your life, your maturity and sensibility. Sometimes I have to remind myself that you are still a teenager because you straddle both worlds so seamlessly. I’m most proud of how you have managed to become so strong over the years but maintained your kind, loving nature.

And Ava, I truly believe (and will to my dying day) that you are an angel sent to me from Heaven. You are pure joy and represent everything that is good in our lives. Of every choice I’ve ever made in my life, you’re the choice that I treasure the most. I would choose you 1 million times over.


OracLe Testimonial


“Can’t” is a 4-letter word