LeAnn CYR-iously Speaking

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I Wasn’t “Great” at Anything

When I was 11 years old, I went to my father so distraught over the fact that I “didn’t have any talent.” In my opinion, I wasn’t “great” at anything. I felt insecure next to my friends who were amazing athletes, incredible artists and gifted singers. I was just “average” at any of those things, at best.

My father looked at me and said, “you have many talents...you just don’t realize they are talents because they come naturally to you.” Sometimes talents....or gifts...are not so obvious. You have to figure out WHAT they are and WHY they are...and then cultivate them, but that doesn’t make them any less important ...just because they are less obvious. Yes, I’d love to be the next Celine Dion, but that is not the hand that I was dealt. I have other talents, skills and gifts....and so do YOU. 💕

Figure them out, use them to make the world a better place and, ultimately, give God the glory. Remember, as I’ve been humbly reminded many times...just as easy as God giveth, he too can taketh away.