Juxtaposition & Oxymoron

I’ve always loved this picture because of the inherent conflict in it, i.e., the office and the evening gown.  I felt that it represented the juxtaposition that women are constantly in having to be a working professional, but also elegant at the same time. It’s an oxymoron that I wanted to capture and, with the help of @PictureGroove, I think we did.

As women, we’re constantly switching gears from being a wife to mom to professional to socialite. Often times not just changing hats, but wearing multiple hats simultaneously. It’s a slippery slope. It’s hard to exist in multiple places at the same time. With all due respect, many of our male counterparts have clearer lines of delineation between their various roles. 

So here’s to all my female colleagues who do it all and manage to look elegant in the process. 🥰



Alexa’s First Big Charity Fundraiser


It Was Hers, Now Mine