Nature vs Nurture

As a parent I’ve always felt that it’s not my job to to raise my kids into who I want them to be, but rather the best version of who they naturally are. This has required a lot of watching and observing what their natural gifts and abilities are, but also what they naturally gravitate towards.

We all have gifts we are born with. Yes, we can develop and progress in any area if we are motivated enough, but there are certain abilities that are innate.

Harvard psychologist, Howard Gardner, developed a theory of multiple intelligence. He proposed there are actually 8 different types; although they aren’t mutually exclusive, typically people will be particularly strong in one dominant area...

1️⃣Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Strengths: Visual and spatial judgment

2️⃣Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence

Strengths: Words, language, and writing

3️⃣Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Strengths: Analyzing problems and mathematical operations

4️⃣Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Strengths: Physical movement, motor control

5️⃣Musical Intelligence

Strengths: Rhythm and music

6️⃣Interpersonal Intelligence

Strengths: Understanding and relating to other people

7️⃣Intrapersonal Intelligence

Strengths: Introspection and self-reflection

8️⃣Naturalistic Intelligence Strengths: Finding patterns and relationships to nature

I’ve always been fascinated with this theory as it applies to raising kids and figuring out who they are. I’m not sure if this theory is 100% true, but from what I can see raising 4 kids out of the same recipe book, having them all turn out so different, so far, and the fact that they are all intelligent in their own way...I’m inclined to agree with Dr Gardner.

Although they are being raised in one family, they are unique & distinct in and of themselves. As a mom, I remind them that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Therefore, they have to stick together and have each other’s back in this crazy world.

Which type of intelligence do you relate to the most?


Everyone Deserves Grace


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