Oracle College Consulting

I wanted to introduce everybody to my new consulting business that I created, OracLe College Consulting.... to help students find a pathway starting in high school to college and into their careers.

Many people don’t know this, but I started my career as a College Career Counselor (that’s actually what my graduate degree is in). I spent many years guiding students in college and graduate school on career and educational choices. I went on later to helping corporate executives as a Consultant, assisting them in developing their resumes and next steps in terms of promotions and strategic career choices. I worked with Fortune 500 companies and their staff, Universities and their students, for almost a decade before “retiring,” becoming an Entrepreneur and opening businesses, mainly medical, with my husband.

Walking my firstborn, Alexa, through this process, I realized that a lot of things have changed, but one thing that hasn’t changed is that people still don’t understand how to develop a strategic plan for their future. My kids are fortunate because I started them before their freshman year in high school in developing a pathway that is focused and has meaningful, directed content. I realized a few things in talking to their fellow students and parents:

1. Most people do not know what it takes to not only write a resume, but to “develop” one over the course of years so that it has substantive content. 

2. Articulating in an interview is difficult for many. Communication skills are imperative to illustrating who you are.

3. Having the educational knowledge to take tests is one thing, but students take tests ill-prepared and had they done simple things and learned basic fundamentals, their scores would have increased. 

4. Researching colleges is typically understated, yet such an important part of the application process, especially the supplemental essays.

5. Lastly, the application process can’t be underestimated.  The importance of writing an incredible personal statement is so important and takes a tremendous amount of time and depth.  It’s one of the most important papers you will write as a high school student.

We have been helping students for many years with regard to career choices, college applications, interviewing and mapping out a plan for their future. If you or someone you know needs our services, please contact us:


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