We All Have Our Struggles

A lot of people don’t know this, but I have over 20 yrs of experience in the marketing and business field. I’ve started several multimillion dollar businesses, some on my own, some with my husband, and some with other business partners; a few have been tremendously successful, but MORE have FAILED miserably. Such is the life of an entrepreneur. I would not have it any other way. I started my career as a headhunter for a F500 company working with executives in the finance fields. Later we started our first company when I was 33 years old and we never looked back.

When I became a mom, I very rarely talked about work. I found that it was very difficult for some of the other moms to relate to me when I did. I’m not sure exactly what the reason for that was, but one thing that I did figure out is that women do not do a good enough job supporting one another. We have a tendency to want to tear each other down, or compete with each other, rather than support and up lift each other.

That being said I, and we, have worked very hard to get where we are today. I wasn’t raised with a silver spoon in my mouth. My parents were kind enough to afford me a fantastic undergraduate education; however, when I graduated I had to move out and pay for graduate school on my own, as well as my own way in life from day one. Supporting myself through grad school on an entry-level salary as a counselor was difficult. I paid my bills by working full-time during the day and attending school full-time at night. I graduated in 2 yrs with a perfect GPA and even completed a graduate assistantship with one of the top institutions in the country, Georgetown University. I remember coming home from school at 11pm, studying till 2am, and then getting up for work at 7am. There were many nights I ate dinner at gas station convenience stores. Obviously, all that changed once I segued into Corporate America.

Its been journey. I’ve decided that I need to be unapologetic about it all, regardless of who is “put off” by it. We, especially as women, need to do a better job supporting each other, cheering each other on, and advocating for one another. We all have our struggles, our stories, and our time. 🙏




Sometimes You're Flush and…