This Made Me Tear Up
I got this note from Colt’s teacher. It made me tear up. I truly believe there are no bad students, just bad teachers. Teachers should inspire you to learn and find ways to pique your curiosity. This was by far Colton’s favorite teacher and geography was never a subject he was interested in before so that says a lot.
Modern World Geography (Cyr, Colton) - 04/26/2022
Colt scored a 100% on his final!! I just KNEW that he would! He applied the five themes of geography accurately given examples and definitions, and this will set him up well when he takes Cultural Geography as a freshman. I can't believe we are at the end, and that I won't see Colt for so long! I told him that I probably wouldn't recognize him when he comes back in the fall, and I made him promise not to scare me when he comes back like Vin Diesel! I hope you all have a wonderful break! Please take pictures of any trips you take. After his exam was done, Colt and I talked about ziplining and climbing adventures! I showed him pictures of the time I went ziplining in a cave (Mammoth Caves, Kentucky area; it's called Mega Caverns). I hope you all have lots of fun family adventures that I can ask him about when he returns. Happy vacation!! Colt has been an amazing student, and even if he's not on my schedule for the fall, I am still his lead teacher, so I'll be checking in on him and his progress. If you need anything over the break, please email me! I'll be teaching all summer, so if you're in a destination and you want some enrichment exercises for Colton, I'd be happy to oblige. He's so smart and inquisitive, though, that I doubt you'll need any assistance finding something he loves. He seems to be able to find passion in just about anything. What an amazing son you have!
The Passion of the Christ
So, this past Sunday we celebrated Easter and I did not post anything on social media. I was trying to make a conscientious effort to stay off my phone for the day. I spent the day with my family and some close friends talking and enjoying each other‘s company, but we took a couple of hours to watch a movie, The Passion of the Christ. I’m always amazed every time I see this movie by how well produced it is, and how I am also able to glean something different each time, probably based on where I am in my life when I’m watching it.
I never really understood why Pontius Pilate was such a disliked character in history. After all, he was not the one that wanted Jesus to be crucified. On the contrary, it seemed as though Pontius Pilate, through the urging of his wife, actually wanted Jesus to be released. He openly stated that he did not see any wrongdoing in Him.
However, I had an epiphany Sunday as I was watching the movie. The reason he was complicit in Jesus‘ death was because he had the power to stand up and stop what was happening, but chose to do nothing and wash his hands of the situation. He chose to turn his back and let an innocent man be put to death for political reasons, as he clearly states in the movie. He cared more about his own “self-preservation” than doing what was right. He stated that he “does not have this innocent man’s blood on his hands,” but he did.
He is guilty because by not standing up for what was right when he was in the position to do so made him an accomplice.
I took this moment as an opportunity to tell my sons that when they see something being done to someone else that is wrong and they don’t say anything because they feel like it is “none of their business” or because they think it has nothing to do with them, they are wrong. Especially if they are in a position of power or if they are in the position to help. I understand if you’re not, this is difficult, but if you are and you don’t, that IS an issue.
Anyway, it was a really good movie. I hear that there is a second part coming called The Resurrection.
Firstborn Challenge
So apparently there’s a firstborn challenge going around so I thought that I would participate.
Per my usual, I’m going to be brutally honest here.
As many of you know, Alexa is my firstborn and in a lot of ways I would love to take complete credit for her, but I really can’t. Alexa was born with an innate sense of kindness and a sweet disposition that I can only credit to her creator. She is remarkably driven and, in my eyes, equally beautiful. She taught me how to be a mom and, trust me, that was not an easy task because I had zero experience. I don’t think I ever even babysat, save maybe one failed attempt.
I had to learn a lot of things and I made a lot of mistakes with Alexa. I don’t think that she would be quite as anxious as she is now had I been a little bit more relaxed as a mother. So many things that I look back on now that I did with Alexa that I don’t do with my third and fourth child. I thought I could take on a practical, pragmatic approach to the politics of the PTA moms, that being nice was good enough, that was a huge mistake. These moms are professional Bureaucrats and there are rules and there are hierarchies… And you better not buck the system.
Trust me being the CEO of a company does not prepare you for the PTA moms on the playground. And they will make sure you know it. Nothing against the PTA, it’s really more the helicopter moms that run it. It can be a dangerous territory fraught with political maneuvering and nepotism.
A lot of these multi-layered relationships play out in their children, making a complicated situation even worse when they arise. I’ve learned that it’s best to let your kids work out their problems on their own, navigate their own experience and provide the support they need before and after school. At the end of the day, if it gets too bad you can always move them. The philosophy that having them “tough it out” with the bullies prepares them for the real world is bullshit because there’s nothing in the real world that I’ve seen that resembles middle and high school in my opinion. If anything, I find that a lot of people in the real world are trying to “get over” their high school experience.
By the time I got to Caden, he feared telling me anything because he was afraid that I would march across the playground and knock on the principal's door asking why they are not “condemning this behavior” lol. Yes, I was “that” mom trying to deal with “those” moms. Sorry honey.
So, I’ve learned a lot, thank God I didn’t ruin this child. She turned out…well… as you can see, amazing despite me. Kids are resilient even though their parents can be a bit crazy.🤣
It Was a Bad Time
I’m not good at being vulnerable so here goes…
The saddest thing about this picture, which was taken four years ago on a kayak, is that it was as happy as I could look. I tried… I really did, but I couldn’t muster up a smile. I don’t want to say I was depressed, but I was definitely stressed. It was a bad time. I could barely sleep.
I sleep so deeply and soundly for the first time in 4 years now. I don’t know if my lack of sleep was insomnia from getting older and the melatonin naturally leaving my body or if it was the stress that I was under subconsciously tormenting me in my dreams. Maybe it was the wine I drank before I went to bed every night to numb the stress and concern, I had for my family.
Stress is a funny thing; it affects you in ways you don’t even realize. I had chronic back problems, chronic headaches, my body felt like it was 90 years old. The weight of my life was a lot to carry. I’ve been blessed in many ways, but in some ways, I felt that I carried a curse. But I wanted it all to come after me and spare my children and my family. I was willing to endure anything, “come for ME,” I thought often. I’d rather the devil come for me, give his best shot and leave my family at peace… that’s how I felt. That’s the truth... I’m a fighter. At least the Devil knows I’m not an easy target anymore.
I do breathe differently now but even though the circumstances have changed, it’s difficult to learn to not worry. It is not like things change and then you mentally change overnight; it’s a process and I think that I’m still going through that process. Kinda like PTSD to a certain extent. You’re out of the war, but the effects of it still weigh on you and affect you and your everyday life.
Although the stress in our lives has gotten exponentially better, to appreciate that will take a little bit of retraining.
I’m so used to fighting I don’t know how to “not” fight. You’ll have to read the book if you want to know what I’m talking about… not being melodramatic, but it’s just way too much for a single post.
#CutthroatBook #Cutthroat #ComingSoon
50 Lessons for 50 Years ❤️
Tomorrow I turn 50 and I realize I have more years behind me than I have in front of me. 🙏These are some life lessons I’ve learned, some I borrowed from other people and some I figured out my own, but these are the ones that have stood out to me over the years… the ones I try my best to remember every day and have made the biggest impact on me:
1️⃣ Sometimes it’s better to be kind than to be right. This is a hard one but I’ve learned that losing a relationship you care about is not worth making your point.
2️⃣ The greatest lessons I’ve ever learned in life were taught by Jesus Christ. Whether or not you are a believer is irrelevant, HIS lessons are life-changing.
3️⃣ Your life partner is the most important choice you will ever make, choose wisely. I would not be where I am today had I not made the wise decision to marry Steven.
4️⃣ Raise your kids well now so you don’t have to raise them later. Better to raise them while they are children so you are not taking care of them while they are adults.
5️⃣ It’s better to be alone than in bad company. Better to enjoy the peacefulness of your own company than share it with someone who ruins it.
6️⃣ Keep your network wide but your circle tight. Networking is important in so many aspects of life but that doesn’t mean you allow everyone close to you. This was a big lesson for me.
7️⃣ Love the people that love you. Look around and notice the people who truly make an effort to be in and stay in your life. Those who truly love and want what’s best for you. Take care of them.
8️⃣ Not everybody deserves your time, energy, or attention. Don’t waste your time explaining, pining, or figuring out people that don’t make sense to you. In the end, you may just realize that what you figured out was not worth the effort or time.
9️⃣ Some things are not that deep, relax. Everything doesn't have to be analyzed or dissected. As they say, paralysis through analysis.
1️⃣0️⃣ Sometimes the best response is no response. See #8. Not worth the effort.
1️⃣1️⃣ It’s better to believe in something than to believe in nothing. In other words, stand for something or fall for anything.
1️⃣2️⃣ The most well-intentioned advice you will ever receive will usually come from your parents. Your parents typically only want what’s best for you with no ulterior motives. They may not give the best advice, but it’s likely the most well-intentioned and in your best interest.
1️⃣3️⃣ Start with yes, you can always change your mind. Once you close the door with no, it’s closed.
1️⃣4️⃣ You can always find something nice to say about someone, you can always find something not so nice to say about someone, choose the first option. No one is perfect. Try to find the positive. Hopefully, they do the same.
1️⃣5️⃣ I already have everything I need. After our house fire, there was very little I grabbed. There was not very much I really wanted that badly except my family… and my contact lenses.
1️⃣6️⃣ Don't give things more power than they deserve. This one is hard to explain but using gossip as an example, when you repeat gossip you give it more power than it deserves and it’s unhealthy, not to mention a waste of time. Another example, someone told me that our triangle logo for CYRx MD was a sign of pedophilia. I’m pretty sure that depraved population doesn’t have jurisdiction over the shape, unless you want to give them that. So dumb. Don’t breathe life into nonsense. Don’t empower stupidity.
1️⃣7️⃣ Do not seek to be successful, seek to be purposeful, success will come. Find purpose in your work. Enjoy it. Success will follow.
1️⃣8️⃣ The best thing I can do for myself daily is to be productive - an idle mind is the devil’s playground. Stay busy, have goals, keep your mind productive. The time is going to pass regardless, you may as well use it well.
1️⃣9️⃣ Finding your purpose in life is key to leading a self-satisfying life. In other words, figure out what your gifts are and use your gifts to help others
2️⃣0️⃣ Don’t rob someone of a blessing. Allow people to bless you. It will probably mean more to them than it does to you. Just say thank you and pay it forward.
2️⃣1️⃣ The closer you can bridge the gap between who you are and who you want to be, the stronger your self-esteem will be. Psychology 101.
2️⃣2️⃣ Don’t make other people’s issues your issues. People have issues, but "you" don’t have to own their issues.
2️⃣3️⃣ A lot of times, it has nothing to do with you, don’t take it personally. You never know what battles someone is dealing with privately.
2️⃣4️⃣ When people show you who they are, believe them. Pay attention to people’s character, not necessarily their behavior. Although the two should be consistent, it’s the inconsistencies that are telling.
2️⃣5️⃣ Being alone does not mean you are lonely. Value your own company or how do you expect anyone else to?
2️⃣6️⃣ Learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your uniqueness and idiosyncrasies. Those are the things that make you who you are. I’ve always strayed away from the crowd. I’ve always felt if I were doing what everyone else was, I would end up like everyone else.
2️⃣7️⃣ The best way to teach your faith is to live it. I once heard a speaker say, if people can’t see Jesus in you why would they want to know Him?
2️⃣8️⃣ You will never argue anyone into believing in what you believe in. I have yet to have an argument that ended with “you’re right, I change my mind” (unless it was my husband trying to placate me). Arguing typically just polarizes people, it does not convince them.
2️⃣9️⃣ People will treat you how you allow them to treat you. People can’t treat you poorly if you don’t stick around after the first time.
3️⃣0️⃣ Don’t look for someone to complete you, look for someone to compliment you. Relationships should enhance your life but you have to be a complete person independent of them too. It’s no one's job to complete you.
3️⃣1️⃣ Love is a noun and an action verb. It requires action, not just words.
3️⃣2️⃣ Yes, people are always saying that happiness is a choice and you can choose to be happy. Yes, it is and so is faithfulness, loyalty, and fidelity. The difference is happiness is about you and the other words are how you engage with others. I’ve been married for 22 years. We choose to be faithful and loyal to each other. If we choose only to do what made us happy individually, maybe it wouldn’t have lasted this long. Yes, choose happiness but not at the expense of others.
3️⃣3️⃣ Other people’s success does not take away from my own.
3️⃣4️⃣ The secret to success is to not give up. Fall down seven times, get up eight.
3️⃣5️⃣ Forgiveness is for yourself, not necessarily the other person. It’s about freeing you from the weight of anger. Forgiveness does not mean you enter into a relationship again, simply that you don’t hold a grudge that can be toxic for you.
3️⃣6️⃣ Friendship should positively enhance your life, not burden it. If you are constantly weighed down by feelings of negativity about a relationship, it’s probably time to move on.
3️⃣7️⃣ Hurt people, hurt people. It’s hard to feel compassion for people that hurt you, but chances are they were hurt too. It’s not an excuse, but it is a reason.
3️⃣8️⃣ There’s a difference between being human and a human being. I’m pretty sure Steve Jobs wrote this. I love it.
3️⃣9️⃣ Everyone you meet has something they can teach you. This is so true. Even if you’re learning what not to do from them.
4️⃣0️⃣ You don’t always have to be center stage, sometimes you are just playing a part in another person’s story.
4️⃣1️⃣ If you don’t ask the question the answer will always be no. You have to at least try. You just never know.
4️⃣2️⃣ You can’t listen and talk at the same time.
4️⃣3️⃣ It’s hard to be a true friend to anyone when you are trying to be a friend to everyone.
4️⃣4️⃣ You will never regret having more children. There truly is no greater joy.
4️⃣5️⃣ Try to find the reason or lesson in everything that happens, good or bad.
4️⃣6️⃣ When you spend quality time with a friend, the goal should be that they feel better leaving that interaction than when they came.
4️⃣7️⃣ Whether you get paid or not, education is never a waste of time. You may not feel like you’re “using” your education but you ARE using your education and it will be evident, or not, every time you open your mouth.
4️⃣8️⃣ Be your spouses’ biggest cheerleader. From the time we were first married we agreed to support each other and never tear each other down. If we argue, we stick to the issues and avoid insults at all costs.
4️⃣9️⃣ Tell your kids the truth about the world - better they hear it from you. We don’t sugarcoat things. If you don’t teach them, someone else will.
5️⃣0️⃣ The world is full of good people, if you can’t find one, be one. Amen. It all starts with you. ❤️ This one is from Mother Teresa. 🙏
Cheers 🥂
2021 Year In Review – Major Highlights
At the end of every year, I post a recap of our year. Mainly to remind myself that we have worked hard and should be proud of that fact. Often, I am weighed down by thoughts that I am not doing enough so this is a reminder to myself that I deserve to relax a bit…
• Successfully launched CYRx MD Cosmetic Surgery thus completing the CYRx MD triad including CYRx MD Skincare and Nutrition previously launched in 2019 and 2020 respectively
• Grew CYRx MD in both San Antonio and Houston, successfully servicing both cities (currently booking out 4 months in advance)
• Created SASpine Corporate with multiple subsidiaries and ancillary services divisions
• Opened CYRx MD & SASpine main Houston clinic location complete with a surgical suite
• Grew our marketing and social media presence across all lines of the business significantly
• Doubled products’ gross revenue over the previous year
• Partnered with Rodeo Cosmetics in Beverly Hills
• Added Career Placement to Le CYR Consulting as a sixth service line
• Certified Le CYR Consulting in San Antonio and Houston as a:
certified small business enterprise
certified minority and woman-owned business enterprise
certified minority business enterprise
• Helped Steven complete a 300-page book entitled, “CUTTHROAT: A Surgeon's Fight against Big Government, Corrupt Businessmen, and a Broken Healthcare System” due out this Spring
• Travelled to Maui, NYC, Las Vegas and Newport Beach
• Survived a house lightning strike and began the rebuilding process
• Continued my commitment to being the best mom I can be to these four amazing children who also had a great year!
• Alexa - Entered her 2nd year at UCLA holding leadership roles in multiple organizations, straight As, a membership in the UCLA pre-law society and writing multiple articles for the Daily Bruin. She was also offered a paid position at a law firm after interning over the summer and impressing them with her work ethic!
• Caden - Aside from growing to a staggering 6 foot 3 inches, he was honored as a national merit scholar, completed an entrepreneur academy at Georgetown University, interned with a production company in CA and continued growing his business.
• Colton - My little rebel skipped 5th grade and started in 6th this year; he’s also doing awesome in sport karate and golf, winning medals this past year in both. However, we believe he has a natural gift in martial arts so we intend to encourage his passion for MMA as his main sport.
• Ava - My little ball of sunshine continues to get tremendous accolades from her teachers for her academic abilities as well as social skills. She is also a cheerleader and loves to play soccer.
Hope everyone has a wonderful new year and an awesome 2022!
The Women in My Life…
I do a lot of posts about my family and my business, but I don’t post a lot about the women in my life. I think women should make it a habit to support each other.
I was looking at this picture from this past Christmas Day, and although it is not inclusive of everyone that I have so much respect for, it is a very good snapshot. I was musing over the accomplishments of these women and I was so impressed when I paused to think about everything that they have done. Among them are Heather, Hollie, and Reema. All of them are mothers and wives with dedicated husbands and successful marriages.
Heather, or Hetty as I like to call her, whom I have known for 12 years, is an owner of a successful franchise in Austin, Kids R Kids, and travels back-and-forth from Austin to San Antonio while taking care of her two young (adorable) twin boys and maintaining an avid social life with strong, long-term friendships. Heather is the friend that you can always count on, the most reliable, consistent, and thoughtful person I know. 💝
Hollie is a self-made woman who has invested her money from multiple entrepreneurial endeavors including government contracting and real estate to create a life for herself where she can utilize her innate ability with numbers. She flips homes, rents homes, and sells homes. Hollie is the person that everyone loves. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t at least like her; you either love her or like her. But no one dislikes Hollie. 🫂
Reema, who I have also known for 12 years, is a former Healthcare Attorney turned entrepreneur. She travels all over the country hosting events through her company Frost 321 - most of her events are with large, corporate clientele that she built from the ground up with a product whose quality is unsurpassed. Not only is Reema extremely intelligent, but she’s a ton of fun. If you’re adventurous, Reema is the friend for you. 🥳
Maybe it’s age or maybe it’s Covid, but I think these times has made everyone more reflective and selective. I’m proud of the quality of people I have in my life. There are many more so you better smile for the camera cause you never know when I’m going to make a post about you. 🥰😜
Happy 22 Year Anniversary
Happy 22 year anniversary to the love of my life.❤️
After 22 years of a successful marriage by most anyone’s standards and what some might argue an even more successful partnership, many have asked me what the secret to a happy marriage is. I think the obvious answer for many outsiders looking in is that we have a Christ-centered marriage. But I think that it goes beyond that; it goes deeper than that. It’s one thing to “say” that you are both Christians, but it’s another thing to act out the lessons that Jesus Christ teaches and apply them in your everyday life, including your marriage.
There’s a scene from the series, The Chosen, where Jesus is talking to Mary, one of his followers, who had turned her back on him, she earnestly seeks forgiveness and Jesus says to her, “I forgive you. It’s over.” This was a poignant message in the show, along with many others, because in a marriage, and in a relationship in general, people will make mistakes. We are all human and that is our nature…we will (hopefully unwittingly and not intentionally) do things to hurt the other person, but the point is to seek out reconciliation and when a common ground is met, and you forgive that person, you also recognize that “it’s over.” Meaning, it will not be held over their head or reserved for a later day. It will not be brought up in conversations at your convenience. The conversation is over and you move on….and you hopefully learn from that experience to strengthen your relationship.
I think that was the point of that second sentence, “It’s over,” because the scene could have just ended with “I forgive you”.
Steven and I don’t do everything right, but I can tell you that we are good at forgiving each other and moving on. We don’t let things linger or hold things over each other’s heads. Although not solely Christian, forgiveness is just one of the fundamental Christian values that we apply to our lives. Most well-versed Christians will tell you that forgiveness is really for yourself, even more so than for the other person.
I’m grateful that Steven is actually much better at forgiveness than I am. He never holds a grudge and really does have a short memory for things that have wounded him. I am very blessed in that regard. I tend to hold onto things a little bit too long sometimes.
There are so many other things that I love about our marriage and specifically Steven, but this seemed appropriate for today.
Happy anniversary, sweetheart, and I forgive you for not massaging my feet yesterday. ❤️😜
Important Rules to Teach Your Daughters
I didn’t write this, but I love it.
1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down.
2. Learn how to cook a signature dish.
3. Spend 30 min a day reading up on current events.
4. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.
5. Request the late check-out.
6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.
7. Hold your heroes to a higher standard.
8. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.
9. Play with passion or don’t play at all…
10. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look them in the eye.
11. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be
12. Who ever you choose to marry...., you marry his/her family / children
13. Be like a duck. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath.
14. Experience the serenity of traveling alone.
15. Never be afraid to talk to the best looking person in the room.
16. Never turn down a breath mint.
17. A classic outfit is worth 1000 words.
18. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.
19.Thank a veteran.
20. After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it.
21.Ask your mom to play. She won’t let you win.
22. Manners make the woman.
23. Give credit. Take the blame.
24. Stand up to Bullies. Protect those bullied.
25. Write down your dreams.
26. Add value everywhere you go.
27. Be confident and humble at the same time.
28. If ever in doubt, REMEMBER WHOSE DAUGHTER YOU ARE and REFUSE to just be ordinary!
29. Change the world, don't let it change you.
30. Always be you! Hold your head up high, Be confident whenever you walk into a room and stay strong.
31. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like you are less of a person. They have the problem, not you.
32. As your mother, I will ALWAYS have your back.
**Author Unknown
My Grandfather, Orris Bergerud…
Those of you that have been to my home know that I have a wall of photographs dedicated to my ancestors on both sides of our family, mine and Steve’s. Photos of our grandparents and great-grandparents from Vietnam, Spain, and the Philippines, as well as places like Norway.
My grandfather, Orris Bergerud, who I was very close to, was an astute businessman. He lost his father at a young age and had to assume the head of the household to take care of his mother and siblings. They were not wealthy, but by the time he passed at 105 years old, he had amassed a fortune that would be considered respectable even today. He was truly a self-made man.
Like most grandchildren, I didn’t appreciate the pearls of wisdom that he would impart or comprehend at the time how fortunate I was to have him to talk with. One of the things that he would tell me that I didn’t really understand at the time was to “always leave yourself a way out”.
It didn’t make a lot of sense to me at the time, but now, looking back, I realized that I have used this lesson in so many aspects of my life. I’ve learned that what he meant was simple:
Never let anyone put you in a situation you can’t get out of
Do not become beholden to others
Never be dependent on others for your own success, and
Always have a Plan B
I think this is an important life lesson, especially in business. You always have to have a way out. There are times where I did not heed this advice and nothing good ever came out of it.
If grandpa were alive, he would have celebrated his 117th birthday this month.
Happy birthday, Grandpa
Lightning Struck Our Home!
I can’t believe it’s been a week since the lightning struck our home. The damage is extensive. Steve explained it well and I don’t have much to add. Many people have asked me how long we will be out of our home and the answer right now is 12-18 months. The home has to be rebuilt from the inside out. What can be restored will be; otherwise replaced. A lot of the sentimental things they tell me are salvageable (family pictures for example).
The response team has been unbelievable and truly professional. Although we have a ways to go, so far, so good.
Just wanted to send a heartfelt thank you...
First and foremost to the firefighters at Spring, Klein and Woodlands fire departments.
Pure Insurance company via USAA who took my call in the middle of the night and were proactive by 2am.
Pinnacle Disaster & Recovery Services / Logan Thrower who called me at 3am and had his crew at the house by 830am.
FRSTeam who safely removed all of the firearms, electronics and valuables.
ART Houston who is handling the transport and evaluation of artwork, portraits, etc.
Regal Construction who will begin the remaining demolition and reconstruction process.
My original home builder who is working with the contractors on the rebuild to be sure everything is done as it was originally.
Thank you all for your texts, private messages & fb comments. Please know that although I am not able to respond, I read every single message and we appreciate the time it took to write them.
Specifically, thank you Jacquelin Garcia de Lizalde for sending Ava hair bows.
The Ava’s & Colt’s friends’ parents that reached out to organize play dates so they were not stuck in the hotel.
My Mom Carol Bergerud for sending money for the kids to buy toys as none survived but the teddy bear Ava was sleeping with.
Waterway Marriott for the accommodations at 4am when we strolled in w garbage bags full of smelly clothes.
Steve’s Mom Maria Luz Centenera-Cyr for washing and folding what few clothes we had.
John Bergerud for handling my meetings.
Elizabeth Knight for holding the office together.
Ashley Haldane for coming to the house and taking our dogs at 3am.
Ashley Rocha for handling the initial meetings w the contractors as I tended to the kids and for extracting all my important documents from my office. And just being my right hand all the time. You are a Godsend.
And our sweet friend Becky for helping us find a “vacation home” for 18 months so quickly.
I think everything is too fresh to really understand the lesson in all of this, but I think at the end of the day, it’s to cling tight to your family and true friends who support you in your time of need. Material things are immaterial. It’s amazing what little you really “need” in life. Everyone always asks the question, what would you grab if your house was on fire; obviously my kids, but I also grabbed my contact lenses, phone & purse. So practical. Lol.
Normal Scares Me
“Normality is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.” -Vincent Van Gogh
Normal scares me. It always has and my kids know this. There are no great leaders, inventors, or world changers that I’ve read about that would consider themselves normal, average or “like others”. They all felt they didn’t “fit in”.
I want my kids to think outside the box. To pave new pathways; to march to the beat of their own drum. If you don’t want to be average, you have to make decisions the average person is not making.
As a society, we would never progress if there were not people thinking of alternative ways to do things.
Just my two cents. Have a great Sunday. #blessed #family #fortitude
Signing a New Partnership
What a great way to end the week! Friday 5 PM and I literally just finished signing a partnership between CYRx MD Skincare and RODEO COSMETICS’ exclusive line “Stemtox”.
Rodeo Cosmetics is a luxury beauty boutique located in Beverly Hills, California. The boutique carries a carefully selected roster of skincare and beauty devices for the most luxurious and effective skincare treatments, including their signature brand, Stemtox.
Dr Steven Cyr is a dual fellowship-trained cosmetic surgeon who founded the CYRx MD brand and its three lines of service: skincare, nutrition and cosmetic surgery.
More to come on this partnership, but if you are on Rodeo Drive, be sure to stop by Rodeo Cosmetics and check out their beautiful facility. - clinic - products
Two Weeks Post-op
I contemplated not posting this for obvious reasons, but I decided what the heck, why not? I’ll be 50 in January and if my transparency helps someone else feel better about themselves, then why not do it?
I’m obviously not against cosmetic surgery, but I am very paranoid about looking artificial or overly inflated. Fortunately, Steve is also concerned about the same things and was very respectful of my desire to look as close to myself as possible (prior to the effects of gravity).
I think my upper eyelids bothered me the most. They were so heavy-looking.
***None of these pictures are photo-shopped or filtered in any way.***
I’m really proud of how meticulous Steve is. As delicate as he does orthopedic spine surgery, he does cosmetic surgery.
1 833 Chisel U
CYRx MD Cosmetic Surgery
( Right pic = Two weeks post-op)
Alexa Added to Le CYR Consulting
I wanted to congratulate Alexa for finally earning her place as a Consultant on our website and with our company, Le CYR Consulting. Alexa has been working with our company doing SAT Prep for high school students for the past year. After having a proven track record of helping students raise their scores, sometimes by as much as 100 points in five sessions, I am making her an official member of our team.
I originally started Le CYR Consulting as a way to help aspiring college students and young professionals with their resume building, as well as essay writing and SAT prep. My first career was as a career counselor so this is something that has always been near and dear to my heart, but I also wanted a way for Alexa to earn money during college, rather than depend on us. I’m proud that she has managed to garner her own clientele in the LA area, helping local high schoolers prepare for the SAT. She has garnered these clients completely on her own and will handle her own booking of business directly, including billing for her services. I am very proud of her. ☺️
Here’s more about her background, as well as a link to her page:
Alexa Cyr graduated from The Woodlands Christian Academy and is now attending the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is a recipient of the Stevens House Scholarship and a Political Science major. Alexa is a member of the Daily Bruin, the school-wide newspaper, as well as an active participant in the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Alexa serves as an SAT Prep Consultant for Le CYR Consulting, and we are excited about the addition to our team!
Alexa’s future plans include attending law school at Stanford University with the career goal of being an entertainment attorney. She will be working as an intern this summer with a local law firm in the LA area.
Random Acts of Kindness
A very cool thing happened to us yesterday. I met Steven (and some friends) for lunch at Chama Gaucha after his surgery and my meetings; we went through the entire meal uninterrupted, which is a little unusual because someone usually comes by and says hello when we are in a restaurant in San Antonio. Especially in that area where a lot of our business is conducted. At the end of the meal, the waiter brings a check and tells us that there is no balance because the table next to us picked up our tab. We looked over and realized we didn’t recognize them, so Steve walks over to say thank you and this is what the gentleman said more or less...
I recognize you from social media, your name is Dr. Steve, right? I just wanted to acknowledge that I see God working in your life by what your patients say about you. I can see the Holy Spirit is working through you and I wanted you to know that I recognize and appreciate that. I pray that God continues to bless you at your work because I see Him working in your life.
Super kind gesture and he didn’t slide over a business card or want anything in return, which is typically the case. He just wanted to say thank you. So I wanted to share that because it made my day. Hopefully, he reads this and knows that as well.
Have a beautiful day folks. ~LeAnn Cyr
Sunday Thoughts... 🙏
As people do we really have the right to be the arbiters of what is right and wrong in someone else’s life? I’m going to pick on cars for a minute, but this can really apply to anything of extrinsic value...
Is a $5,000 car more acceptable than say $50,000 car to HIM? There are plenty of people who would think that even a $5,000 car is an excessive gift.... or a $500 one for that matter. Especially when you look at the world from a global perspective.
So who decides? As men are we really in a position to be arbiters of right or wrong? I’m not talking about laws, but about moral issues. By giving a car to your child does that mean that you worship cars? Or does it even mean that you worship money? Or, conversely, maybe it means that you couldn’t care less about money because a truly selfish person/parent would have kept it all for themselves. You can look at it in so many different ways. I think at the end of the day, YOU have to decide where your heart is placed and what your intentions are, independent of others’ opinions.
I’m asking an earnest question... Who among us is so worthy and noble as to draw that line... to decide what number God may deem appropriate or what number would damn you to hell?
As a Christian, do you really believe that God is sitting up in heaven saying, “well, he should’ve stayed under 40k, but since he went to 42k, I will smite him”?
If you’re not a believer, or you just worship the universe or believe you are the universe, does that give you the moral compass to decide on such matters so personal to someone else?
Do you believe that having money means you are inherently bad and not having money means you’re noble?
I’ve met plenty of a**h***! without money...and plenty of saints with money. I don’t think one has anything to do with the other, personally.
Maybe you believe, as I do, that God knows what’s in your heart and from what place a gift, be it extravagant or not, was coming from? Bottom line is I really don’t think God cares about the materialistic gifts and to whom you choose to bestow them on; I think he cares about your heart, the condition of your heart, and your heart’s intentions.
It is your heart, your spirit HE wants...and you can’t put a price on that.
Mark 12:17
“give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”
You Don’t Know Everything
I just wanted to take a moment to say publicly how incredibly proud of Steven I am. Everyone knows that he completed a second fellowship in cosmetic surgery, but I don’t know if people really understand what that means. For two years he put himself in the position of a “fellow”, which means that he was relegated to being a student. In the medical hierarchy, it’s one step above being a resident.
For a surgeon with 20 years of experience, especially the type of experience that he has and what an illustrious career that he has had, that is a pretty humbling thing to do. But I think at the end of the day, what I learned from watching him is that everyone you meet has something to teach you, no matter how educated you are, you don’t know everything. If you are willing to listen to others and to learn from others, it will make you a better, more educated person and, ultimately, give you pathways in life that you otherwise would not have had.
Dr Cyr has been a professor of surgery, the chief spine surgeon in the Air Force, consultant to the Pentagon and Surgeon General of the Air Force, and now delivers amazing care to patients from around the country and world in his practices in Houston and San Antonio.
He is now dual fellowship-trained in orthopedic spine surgery, as well as cosmetic surgery, and has developed a new technique in the field of orthopedics/cosmetics called OrthoSculpting. - spine practice - cosmetic practice
Let Them Watch and Wonder
“He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch.” ~Jean-Luc Godard
As an entrepreneur, I’ve seen great failure and great success. The greater the risk, the greater the reward ...and the reverse is true. Those who stand at the sidelines in judgement and throw stones during your failures, you owe no explanation to. Likewise, you owe them absolutely no explanation when you succeed. Let them watch and wonder.
Matthew 7:1-3
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 🙏
Happy Birthday Ava!
Happy 6th birthday to our little princess, Ava Cyr. 👑
Ava is a constant reminder of God’s favor, grace and love. I’m not sure what I would do without Ava. She truly brings joy into our lives and is a constant example of how to love others unconditionally and well.
Ava giggles all day and finds joy in everything and everyone. If you ask her who her best friend is, she will say that she cannot choose because she does not want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
However, if you ask her who her favorite sibling is, the answer is always Colton, 😂 much to Alexa’s and Caden’s chagrin.💕
Happy birthday Ava, you light up my life.🙏